Sneaking Out

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Micheal: He curses loudly as he trips through the window frame and tumbles onto the floor. You can't help but burst into giggles and shush him, also trying to be quiet yourself. He sits up quickly and goes and hits his head on the edge of the window sill and lets out a string of dirty words and you can't help but burst into laughter, having to smother your voice with a pillow. Once you finally catch your breath, you look over at Michael to see him cross armed, looking straight ahead in frustration. "Aw, baby," You coo, trying quit giggling. "C'mere." You do grabby hands at your clumsy boyfriend before he gets up and climbs into bed with you, smothering your last bit of laughter with his lips.

Luke: "Shit," Luke mumbles, eyes wide as you peel his shirt off and quickly go back to kissing his neck. You ran your hands up his tall torso and look up at his face, his lashes casting shadows on his cheeks as he looks down at you almost in surprise. "I…" You try to explain yourself, your cheeks feeling hot and you thank God that its dark so he couldn't see your blush. "No no no no," He reassured you, squeezing one of your hands. "I'm just surprised. You… don't need to stop." His lips found yours in a gentle kiss before you spoke again. "I just couldn't stop thinking about you." And those words, the way they brushed against his bottom lip as you spoke, sent him over the edge and he was pulling you to his bed in a eagerness you could only describe that was from the adrenaline of sneaking out and being with you.

Ashton: You reached across the pillow and blindly fumbled for Ashton's large hand, making him chuckle softly and encase yours once you two found each other. He kissed each of your fingers and sat up, brushing the hair from your forehead and kissing it softly. "Don't leave," You begged sleepily as Ashton slid off of your bed. "I can't sleep without you. Please, Ash. You can leave early in the morning." He sighed, a large smile on his face as he climbed in next to you, his lanky limbs entangling themselves with yours and you once again reached for his hand. "I need you," You whispered against the cool fabric of your pillow. "You have no idea." He whispered back, kissing your nose and watching you fall asleep in his arms.

Calum: After a harsh fight with your parents, you lost it and ran away. You didn't know where you were going until you were in your boyfriend's driveway, looking up at his illuminated window and deciding whether or not to allow him to see you like this. Your cheeks were stained with tears, and you were doing a weird hiccupy thing when you breathed. But you needed him, you really did this time, so you called him and asked if he could let you in. "Hey," He said as soon as he opened the door, tucking you into a big hug as you snuggled your head into his neck, breathing in the familiar and soothing smell of him. "Come on, I'll protect you tonight." So he took you up to his room and pulled the covers tight around you, his lips pressed to the crown of your head and breathing soothing relief and comfort for you to hear. And in that moment you knew the place you could always run to, and who'd be there waiting with arms wide open.

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