Say Something

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Ashton : 'You're the one that I love and I'm saying goodbye.'

"It’s only going to be a couple weeks," Ashton reassured you, hugging you tightly and contradicting his words by not seeming to want to let go. The boys were heading to England for studio time and a radio tour. You would have gone, but you had obligations back home, like school and family. "Promise to call as soon as you land?" You murmured into his chest, clinging onto him tightly. He had only been home for two weeks, but it felt like only a couple days. "Promise," He clarified, pulling you back slightly to kiss your head. In that moment his flight was announced to begin boarding. "Don’t do anything dumb." You warned, putting on a smile because it was better than breaking down and crying. He scoffed, "C’mon, does that sound like me?" You raised your eyebrow skeptically and then turned to Luke who was picking up his carry-on bag. "Keep him out of trouble, yea?" You asked and Luke chuckled, "I’ll try, Y/N, but no promises." You just smiled, feeling a swell of love in your chest for all of these boys. "I love you, Y/N." Ashton whispered, regaining your attention as he pulled you in for a deep kiss that sent your stomach in a frenzy of knots. "Goodbye, I’ll be home as soon as possible." He promised again before pulling away with difficulty. You continued to smile, knowing he was going to be having the time of his life and would always return to you. You waved him off, keeping those thoughts in mind.

Calum : 'And I will stumble and fall, I'm still learning to love.'

"I think that I might be- that I might be-" He tried to finish his sentence, but it was stuck. He wasn’t used to feeling this way, it was something new and so strong that it fucking scared him to death because feeling this way could be absolutely great, but it could also mean a world of hurt if things went wrong. So, as the two of you sat lounging at his place watching a movie in the living room, he got stuck on his words, not knowing how to say them. He wanted to make sure his words caught his emotion, but he just couldn’t form it into his words. He wasn’t even exactly sure what brought on the sudden urge to just say it. It could have been the way you concentrated so deeply on the movie and your eyes got that far away look like you really believe in the different reality on the screen, or maybe it was the way you’d grab his hand every so often and start rubbing your thumb in calming circles over the back of it. He wasn’t sure, but he had to say it. "Yea?" You asked, smiling at him innocently. He swallowed and decided to just fucking do it. "I love you so, so much and it’s almost scaring me." He admitted and watched your expressions carefully. But, all he saw was his look reflected in your eyes as you grabbed his hand and repeated the words, "I love you too, Cal." And, for now, that was all he needed to hear.

Luke : 'Anywhere I would have followed you.'

"Come with us." He suddenly said, not even sure why he said it, but it felt right and the weight on his chest lightened as he finally said it. Luke couldn’t handle being away from you for three months, it felt absolutely and utterly impossible. You looked to him confused for a moment, frowning slightly as you thought. "But, it’s your tour, Luke. You won’t want me constantly around and dragging you down.” You warned, although you really just wanted to accept his offer. “Y/N,” He started with a small smile, “if anything, you’ll be helping me. I’d much rather have you around than spend all my time missing you. Please?” He asked again, making his eyes big and pleading and to hell if you could say ‘no’ to that face. “Well, if you insist…” You smiled before taking his face in your hands and kissing him.

Michael : 'And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.'

"You need to stop with all these walls!" He finally broke, running a stressed hand through his hair and groaning deeply. You sat across from him, knees pulled up to your chin and looking away. "You don’t understand." You mumbled with difficulty, trying to keep your eyes from watering. He noticed the tears right away and his expression softened as he crossed the room and sat next to you on the sofa, pulling you tightly into his chest. "I want to, though, if you’d only let me in." He attempted, running a hand calmingly through your hair. "No, you don’t, Michael. I’m a fucking mess and it’s not something you want to get stuck cleaning up." You whispered, but still clung on to him like he was the last thing that mattered to you, which he really was. "I don’t care how horrific or terrible it is, Y/N. I love you and I’m not leaving anytime soon." He promised and then pulled back a bit, so he could meet your gaze. "Okay?" He clarified and after a moment you nodded, "Okay." 

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