You're Asleep When He Gets Home

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Ashton: Curled up on the couch, with the throw blanket covering you, you curl yourself into a little ball making yourself appear even smaller than you already are. The TV is still on, producing the only light in the room. As hard as you’d tried to stay awake for him you couldn’t help but lay down and shut your eyes (though intentionally for only a few minutes). He feels bad that he was late from the studio again, and as badly as he had been wanting to hold you in his arms, he knows how badly you need your sleep. Slipping his arms under you’ll he’ll pick you up as gently as he can. “Ash?” you mumbled, eyelids slowly fluttering open. “Shhh, go back to sleep. I’ve got you,” he whispers, carrying you to your bedroom before tucking you in. He crawls in right behind you and rests his cheek on your head, kissing you once before letting out a sigh, not knowing anything that could ever get better than this.

Calum: After the fight he’ll return knowing that everything should have calmed down by now. It’s late, almost early morning by then so he’ll quietly creep in, doing his best not to make a sound as he makes his way up the stairs. You’re on his side of the bed, clinging to one of the pillows for dear life. Your nightly routines blown off as he notes the dried makeup and mascara on your face. Despite the size of the bed, you look uncomfortable. Goosebumps are on your skin in the place of a missing blanket, and you’re curled up into yourself. He feels rotten inside knowing that you fell asleep thinking about what had been said, but if he can make your last few hours of sleep better, he swears that he will. So he gets the spare comforter out of the closet and covers you in it so you won’t have to be moved. He’s happy to see you instantly loosen up, your body glad to feel the warm fabric. He can’t help but ran his finger through your hair, sitting next to your sleeping body. “I promise it won’t happen again,” he whispers to the dark room before sliding in beside you, letting the warmth pull him under.

Luke: After a long and harsh night of no sleep for you he was glad to have returned from the medicine run to see you breathing soundly and asleep. Hung up with a nasty flu bug Luke had stayed by your side the entire night, holding your hair and rubbing your back each time your head fell over the toilet. He didn’t mind, because he knew you’d do the same for him. Your skin is paler than usual, and as he touches your forehead he notes that your fever is slowly coming back. He’ll have to wake you up so you can take the medicine he just got…but how could he? This is the first bit of sleep you’ve gotten, and even though he hasn’t had any either, he wants to be sure you’re taken care of first. So he leaves you undisturbed – but for only another half hour he promises himself. Glass of water ready, and medicine out he sets on the side of the bed watches you silently, his mouth growing into a smile at how peaceful and serene you look.

Michael: He had forgotten to buy the condoms. Something you were very firm about, you’d told him that nothing was going to happen until he went and got some. He was baffled as he slammed the car door at how easily you could stop, despite the heat of the moment. He does what you tell him to however, and within twenty minutes is on his way home, multiple packs and varieties in the bag beside him. “I bought a couple different ones,” he says as he makes his way into the bedroom, though stopping dead in his tracks as he sees what’s before him. You’re on your stomach, head resting on your arm as you lay in the bed sideways, light snores coming from you. Any heat left is now sizzled out as he dejectedly tosses the condoms off to the side and sits beside your head. “You’re impossible,” he whispers as he runs his fingers through your hair, smiling down at you. “But you’re so goddamn worth it.” 

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