Saying Goodbye at the Airport as Friends

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Ashton: You gripped the back of your best friend's shirt as you weaved through the screaming fans at the airport. You kept your head ducked as they snapped pictures and cried for autographs from the boys until you were past the madness and Ashton was coaxing you from your death grip on him with a gentle rub on your back. "Good god that was crazy," You huffed as he threw an arm over your shoulder. You felt your stomach tighten at his touch, it was such a casual gesture but it sent butterflies swarming your chest. It was time to say goodbye, you knew, but you couldn't bring yourself to let go of the grip you had around his waist. "(y/n)," Ashton murmured. "I gotta go." You shook your head, you needed to tell him now before he forgot about you. "You won't forget me, will you?" You asked him, panic lacing your voice. Ashton grinned, shaking his head. "Of course not. You're my best friend, I could never. I love you too much, ya weirdo." I love you too much, i love you too much, i love you too much. It ran through your mind half a million times before you were able to speak again. "I love you too, Ash." And when he leaned down to hug you, you hugged him back tightly, trying to memorize his smell and the feel of his hair and the hold of his arms that you'd miss for 6 months. When he began to pull away, you gripped the back of his neck tightly and pulled his mouth to yours, kissing him hard. You could feel him stiffen under your hands before you pulled away, resisting the urge to break out in sobs right then. "Ha- have fun, okay? Don't forget me." You whispered to him. Before he could tell you off for kissing him, how you two were just friends and nothing more, you turned your back to him and pushed through the crowd.

Michael: "Michael! How much are you gonna miss (y/n)?" A fan yelled towards the two of you. You looked up with a smirk, finding the fan in the crowd. "A whoooooooole bunch. Sometimes I think Mikey wouldn't be able to feed himself without me." The fans laughed and you turned back to Michael with a grin. He rolled his eyes at you, bumping you with his shoulder. "I most definitely know how to feed myself without you." He muttered. You giggled. You and the boys neared their terminal, and you knew you'd have to say your goodbye's soon. "(y/n)," Michael said quietly, looking at the boys. Their attention was on their phones and bags, making sure everything was ready for the flight. "Hm?" You hummed. "I need to tell you something," He stated solemnly. You nodded for him to continue. "I know I chose the worst times to do stuff but… I was just kinda nervous to say it before because you're my best friend but i know i had to say it now because I'm gonna be gone for 6 months and I don't want you to think I don't care about you because i do." His words were rushing together and he kept glancing nervously over at Nigel and the boys like he'd suddenly be whisked away from you. "What I'm trying to say… I really like you. I have ever since we became close. And I just needed to tell you before you forgot about me while i was gone." You didn't know what to say, you and Michael had been best friends for years, and he was telling you this now? When he was about to leave? "Michael-" "C'mon boys! We're boarding!" Nigel interrupted you. Michael looked down at you, his eyes slightly filled with panic. You reached up and threw your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I won't forget." You whispered in his ear. 

Calum: You poked Calum's cheek with a french fry, and when he turned to protest touching his face, you stuck it in his mouth. You giggled when he crinkled his nose, then grinned when he ate it. "Why won't you do that with me, Calum?" Luke asked with a pout. "Because," You said, throwing your arms around Calum's shudders. "He loves meeee the most." Luke rolled his eyes, standing up from the airport chairs. "I'm gonna go find Ashton. You two annoy me with your lovey doviness." You reach your hand out to Luke as he walked away. "Nooo we don't- we're not…" You trail off, giving up on denying what he said. You both have gotten it a million times before. You leaned against Calum's shoulder with a sigh. "It's gonna be so boring here without you." He leaned his head on top of yours. "I'm going to miss you, a lot." He murmured. You scoffed. "No you aren't." Calum sat up, and you looked up at him, a frown set on his face. "What do you mean, no i won't?" You sighed deeply, looking away from him. "You're gonna be traveling the world, Cal. You'll be busy all the time, playing your music and going to parties and meeting new people and new girls and… You'll be too busy to think of me. And it's okay, I understand. I'll be right here when you get back." Calum smiled wistfully, shaking his head. "Oh, (y/n), (y/n), (y/n). You have no idea how much I'll think of you." You were about to protest him again, when suddenly his pouty lips were against your own, the one's you often found yourself thinking about, wondering what they tasted like. But too soon he was pulling away and getting up to leave, giving you a regretful smile. And you couldn't even say anything, because the feel of his lips made your own unable to move, and he slipped away.

Luke: "No, no, Luke please don't say this now," You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut to block out the words Luke had already spoken. He stood in front of you, his expression hurt, but he expected this from you. After all, you guys were best friends. "Don't tell me you love me when you're not going to be here for 6 months. You just can't do that to me." He had no right to, especially when the past two years you've had the biggest crush on him, and when you finally get a boyfriend you liked (maybe not as much as Luke, but he liked you back and asked you out, so it was better right?) and just started going out with. His sad eyes stared you down. "I had to, I couldn't leave for this long without you knowing. It would eat me up inside." You tried to turn away from him, you couldn't handle the stress, but Luke grabbed your arm. "don't leave," He begged. "You don't have to tell me you love me back, but please, don't leave. I just need you here right now. Just let me pretend I mean something to you until i go." You couldn't help but feel your heart break because he didn't even know how much he meant to you. "Luke," You wanted to cry. You stood on your tip toes, wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms snaked around your waist and you two stood in the middle of the airport locked in each other's embrace. "You don't even know how much you mean to me. You're my best friend, and- and I do love you. Just… not in the way you love me. I mean- I shouldn't love you the way you love me because of him but…" He squeezed you tighter one last time before pulling away. "Don't say anything you'll regret, please," He mumbled. "You have six whole months to think about it, okay? Don't forget about me." You reached up to give him one last hug. "I don't think I could… even if I tried.

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