He Forgets

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Ashton- Ashton had been so busy in the studio lately, you two hadn’t gone a real date in ages. He scheduled one for tonight and so you waited, and you waited, and you waited. Needless to say, he didn’t show up. You were left to drive back home alone. As soon as you got home you changed into something comfortable and laid in your bed, doing random stuff on your laptop. You heard the front door open about an hour later signaling that Ashton was finally home. “Hey babe.” He greeted as he opened the bedroom door, only to have you slam it back shut in his face. “Y/n?” He said, knocking on the door gently. “What’s wrong?” “Just go away.” You yelled.  He opened the door this time taking a step in. “What’s wrong are you okay?” He asked, sounding concerned. “Ashton I said go away just leave please!” You answered, your voice quavering a bit. “What did I do!?!” he questioned. “Oh my god you don’t even get it just get out!” You shouted and grabbed a few pillows and blankets, throwing them to him and shoving him out the door quickly. He could sleep on the couch for all you cared.

Michael- Today was the day you’d be arriving back home at the airport. You had been visiting family and were gone for a month, but you were happy to finally be coming home, especially since you would get to see Michael again. He definitely missed you a lot, so he promised to come be the one to pick you up. He’d been in the studio non-stop, all day and night and was completely exhausted at this point, so you two decided to take it easy when you got back. Your plane landed at 11 pm and you grabbed your bags and looked for Michael. He wasn’t there though, so you assumed he was just running a little late. This was fine with you, but after 30 minutes, you decided to call him and see what was up. All you got was his voice mail. Another thirty minutes passed and it was now minute. He still hadn’t showed up. After calling him for what seemed like about a million times, you decided to give up and just call one of your friends to come get you. Luckily, your best friend was still awake to drive you home. When you got inside, you saw Michael, asleep on the couch just snoring away. “Michael where wer-” You started to yell before you got the full view of him. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. He looked like he hadn’t even gotten any sleep in ages, just completely wrecked. You sighed, instantly feeling bad for him. “We’ll talk about it later.” You said more to yourself than him, as you gently kissed his forehead and left him alone to continue sleeping.

Calum- "Hey babe." Cal smiled as he walked in, kissing the top of your head. "Hi Cal." You smiled back. You waved at the boys who all trailed into your kitchen, following Calum. Calum grabbed a few sodas out of the fridge and tossed one to each of the boys. "So what are your plans for today? You asked. "Nothing much, we were just gonna go to Michael’s house and play some FIFA, nothing crazy." He smiled. "Hey Luke can you come with me for a second?" Calum asked before you even got the chance to reply. "Sure." Luke said as he followed Calum up to his room. "Soooo…" Ashton said, smirking strangely at you while Michael gave you the same smile as well. "What?" You giggled. "We heard it was your birthday today." Michael said, finishing what Ashton had started to say. "Yep." You smiled, popping the p sound. "Happy birthday!!!" Ashton yelled enthusiastically as he gave you a quick hug. "Happy birthday." Michael grinned as he did the same as Ashton. "Thanks guys." You laughed. Just as they pulled away Calum and Luke walked back in. "You guys ready to go?" Calum asked and they just nodded and walke  outside to Calum’s car. "Bye babe." He said as he kissed you on the cheek and walked out the door, not even wishing you a happy birthday. You just sighed and rested your head in your hands. Suddenly you heard the front door open, you expected it to be Calum, but it was Luke. "Forgot my phone." He exclaimed as he sprinted into the kitchen and grabbed it off the counter."Oh and I almost forgot, happy birthday y/n." Luke smiled as he gave you a quick hug and dashed out the door. "Thanks." You sighed, disappointed that Calum had actually forgotten your birthday.

Luke- "Hey Luke." You smiled as he walked downstairs and into your kitchen. "Hey babe." He yawned as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and kissed your cheek. Today was your anniversary so you were making him breakfast today ti start it off. "So I already have a few plans today…" he smirked as he hopped up and sat on the counter. "Really? And what are these plans to be exact?" You asked as you stood between his legs and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "Well first, we have band practice. I need to leave in like twenty minutes, but anyways after that me and Cal are gonna hang out at his place, then we’re all gonna go out tonight. Pretty much just a guys night, haven’t had one in awhile." He explained. "Really? That’s all?" You questioned, sounding a little dissapointed. "Yeah why? Is there something else I should be doing?" He asked. "No, it was nothing." You sighed. "Okay…" he said, sensing your sadness. "Cheer up babe, I’m gonna go get ready for practice though. Be back in a minute." He continued and kissed the top of your head before jumping off the counter and running up the steps to get dressed.

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