Emergency Room

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Ashton: “Am I allowed to see him now?” you ask the nurse at the front desk impatiently, breathing out a sigh of relief when she nods her head. You run off towards the hallway she had told you, glancing at room numbers before finally stopping in front of the correct one. You take a deep breath before opening the door, sucking in a breath when you see Ashton lying on the bed, different tubes and drips attached to him with a bandage around his head and a cast on his leg. His mom and siblings were standing around his bed, and they all looked up when you came in. “You idiot,” you whisper, rushing forward with tears in your eyes. You go up to his bed and lean down to hug him, making sure to not squeeze too hard. “Don’t worry, I’m still alive,” Ashton reassures you quietly. “And hey, at least I didn’t break my arm. You would’ve had to deal with me whining about not drumming for weeks.”

Calum: ”I thought you two were taking her out to have fun, not to land her in the hospital!” Calum exclaims, looking at Luke and Ashton expectantly. “We did take her out to have fun,” Luke replies defensively. “It just… stopped being fun in the end.” “Yeah, because she got her skull cracked open!” your boyfriend yells, and you laugh quietly to yourself as you flip through the TV channels. The door to your room was closed but you could still hear them, and you’re pretty sure the entire wing could hear them as well. “Look man, it’s not like we planned this out,” Ashton says, trying to calm his friend down. “She got knocked off her board by a rough wave and she went under and got hit in the head. Blame the ocean, not us.” “Calum might actually go out and attempt to fight the ocean,” Michael mutters from the chair beside your bed, causing you to laugh. “I wouldn’t be surprised, the kid’s so protective of me.” “He’s your boyfriend, what do you expect?”

Luke: “Luke, I need to call them,” you sigh, sitting up from the bed and reaching out to get your phone. “No,” he whines,weakly tugging at your arm. “They’ll never let me live this down if they find out.” “They’re going to find out eventually,” you roll your eyes, prying his hand off of your arm and grabbing your phone. “Besides, they’d be mad at both of us for not telling them that you got hurt.” You dialed Michael’s number as Luke pouted beside you, tracing the cast on his left arm as the phone rang. “Hi (Y/N),” they all answer loudly, making you pull the phone away from your ear for a second. “Guys, Luke’s in the hospital,” you inform them, worrying that the call may have cut out when they don’t respond. “What happened?” Calum asks. You open your mouth to tell them, stopping when you see Luke’s pleading look telling you to lie. You wave him off and say, “He tripped down the stairs and broke his arm.”

Michael: You faintly hear someone crying beside you and you can just barely feel the brush of someone’s palm against yours. You fight past the crushing darkness, slowly making progress until your eyes were open. Turning your head to the left, you’re surprised to see that it was Michael who was crying and holding your hand. “Michael?” you call out, taken aback that your voice is very quiet and gruff, as if you had been asleep for a long time. “What’s wrong?” Michael looks up with a sniffle, his eyes going wide when he realizes that you’re awake. “You’re awake!” he exclaims, rushing out to get a nurse before hugging you tightly. “Jesus, (Y/N), don’t scare me like that.” “What are you talking about? Why are we here?” you ask. “Babe, you’ve been in a coma for two weeks. We got into an accident.”

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