You Make Up (Part 2 Of You Break Up)

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Luke: It’s been a month since you had broken up. The first couple of weeks, Luke had called you repeatedly, begging you to come back. You of course ignored him but you had sometimes thought about answering although every time you see something about him on the news about him with another made you decide not to. You decided to indoors for awhile. One day, you finally decided to take a walk in the park after your best friend kicked you out of bed. You hadn’t expected to see him there and by the look on his face, he didn’t either. “[Y/N], wait!” Luke called after you when you turned and walked away. He grabbed your wrist and turned you around. “What do you want, Hemmings?” You asked, coldly. “Look, [Y/N]. I’m really sorry, I swear to god, I didn’t mean to cheat on you. When I saw you with your cousin, I just got pissed so I went to drink. I didn’t ever remember kissing that girl, I swear! I didn’t he was your cousin, I thought that you were going to leave me for him. I love you [Y/N] and please will you take me back?” Luke pleaded, you could see tears starting to well up in his eyes which shocked you because you had never seen him cry before. You knew he was telling the truth but even so, he hurt you. “I..I don’t think I can trust you again,” You shook your head and pulled away but he quickly grabbed both your hands. “Please [Y/N], one more chance and I promise you that I won’t fuck this up. My life is a mess with you,” Luke begged and you watched as a tear slipped down his cheek. You sighed and looked away,” One more chance, Luke. You screw this up, you’re not getting another chance” And as soon as you said that, Luke grabbed you by the waist and kissed you hard. 

Ashton: A week. That’s how long it had been since you last saw Ashton and to be honest, you were a mess. You missed him so much and he did too. Ashton had taken it worse than you. He refused to leave the apartment. Finally, the boys had convinced him to go outside. They were all at McDonalds when Ashton spotted you in line with a couple of friends. You were laughing at something your friend had said and his heart broke knowing that he would never be able to be the one that makes you laugh again. He was directly behind you in the line and stared straight at you, along with the other three boys. You could feel gazes on you and so you turned around to see Ashton. “Ashton,” You blinked up at him,” Hi” “Hi,” He whispered, his eyes never leaving yours. The two of you just stared silently at each other until one of your friends’ cleared their throat, telling you to order. You ordered your things and while you waited, Ashton grabbed your wrist and turned you around,” [Y/N], can I talk to you in a few please?” You looked up at his pleading orbs and gave in. When you nodded, Ashton let go of your wrist before ordering himself. You and your friends walked over to an empty table and started to eat while they both were wondering about what Ashton was going to talk to you about. When Ashton had finished ordering, he and the boys sat on the table near you and he walked over to your table. The both of you headed outside while both your friends stared at you while you two talked animatedly through the glass. “[Y/N], I miss you so much,” Ashton sighed, looking down at the ground,”I didn’t mean what I said. You could hear him start to sniff quietly, telling you that he was near to crying. “I miss you too, Ash,” You sighed, looking away,” But you hurt me. A lot” “I know, I was just under a lot of stress with the band and I didn’t mean to say what I said, I guess the stress got to me,” Ashton looked at you, grabbing both your hands,” But I promise [Y/N], if you give me one more chance, then I’ll make sure to always put you first, I don’t want to let you go. It hurts to much” By now, you were trying to hold back your tears but you let out a small sob and Ashton pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you. “I’m so sorry,” Ashton held you tightly,” I’m so so sorry” The both of you just stayed in that position before you spoke,”Ashton, I don’t want to let you go either” “So does that mean you’ll give me another chance?” Ashton asked, pulling away to look you in the eyes. You gave him a weak smile and nod before he pulled you in for a kiss. It didn’t last very long because you both pulled away due to hearing cheers in the background. You both laughed when both your friends coughed awkwardly and tried to make it seem like they weren’t watching the both of you. You smiled, leaning into Ashtons’ chest while he held you close. He lost you once and he won’t ever lose you again.

Calum: You hadn’t seen Calum for a couple of weeks. He tried to reach you a few times but you didn’t answer. You were cleaning up the apartment when you heard the doorbell ring. When you opened it to find Calum with his hands shoved in his pockets and his head hung low, looking down at the ground. When he heard the door creak open, he looked up,”[Y/N]-!” Before he could finish you slammed the door close but his foot blocked it from closing fully. “[Y/N], please just hear me out,” Calum begged. You sighed, you knew that Calum wouldn’t leave. You reopened the door and crossed your arms,”What is it, Calum?” “Look, I’m just really sorry that I was ignoring you, I just had some things in my mind and I was trying to sort them out before I came to you,” Calum explained. “If you had stuff going on, I could’ve helped you with it,” You frowned at him. Calum shook his head,”No, I needed to figure this out on my own” “And when did you sort your thoughts out?” You asked. “The day you broke up with me,” Calum looked down. “So, then why are you coming to me two weeks later?” You ask in annoyance. Calum sighed,” I didn’t have the balls to face you again. What I did was a dick move, I should’ve come back here when I first arrived back” “Yeah, you should’ve,” You scoffed,” Look, just leave me alone” You were about to close the door when three words came out of Calums’ mouth which made you freeze. “I love you,” He said. You looked up at him, shocked. He had never said it before and vice versa. “That’s what I was trying to sort out, I didn’t know if I love you or if I just really like you. I missed you so much on tour and I am so sorry for not answering your calls, I was afraid that it would’ve slipped out of my mouth and it would’ve scared you off if  I told you that I love you an-” He rambled on but you quickly shut him up by placing your lips on his. Calum instantly responded and you both pulled away a couple of minutes later. “What was that for?” Calum asked. “To shut you up,” You gave him a half smile. “So..Am I forgiven for being a dick?” Calum looked at you nervously, fearing that you would wish to never see him again. “Of course,” You smiled before he reattached his lips to yours. “I love you so fucking much [Y/N], I swear I won’t mess up this time,” Calum murmured against your lips. “I love you too,” You smiled into the kiss, knowing that there was going to be great make up sex tonight but let’s not get into details now.

Michael: “Babe, open up. Please!” Michael shouted but you refused to answer him. “Go away Clifford! Isn’t it obvious that she doesn’t want you here?!” Your best friend screamed at him through the closed door. “I didn’t mean to break up with you [Name]! I didn’t mean to sleep with that girl, I was drunk!” Michael continued, ignoring your best friend. “Being drunk isn’t an excuse. Drunk words are sober thoughts, right? Now leave before I fucking call the cops!” Your best friend roared. After that it went silent and soon enough, a car door slammed shut and drove off. You continued to cry in your best friends’ arms, not being able to get your mind off of last nights’ events. A week later, Michael stopped trying and like you said in the note, you went over to collect your things. You knocked on the door of MIchaels’ apartment. “Go away,” You heard him croak. It sounded like he had been crying. “Michael..It’s me. I’m here to collect my things,” You said, quietly. There was a moment of silence before you heard shuffling and the door opened. In front of you stood Michael who looked wrecked, like he hadn’t slept in a week. “[Y/N],” He started. You walked past him and into the bedroom to collect your stuff. You didn’t want to talk to him anymore, knowing it would hurt more if you did. Even though he knew you ignored him, he continued,” [Y/N] I’m really sorry, I know it was stupid to blame it on being drunk because it was my fault I was drunk in the first place but I miss you so fucking much it hurts [Y/N]. I can’t hold you, cuddle you, kiss you anymore. I can’t sleep in the same bed with you ever again and I can’t live with it” Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you heard this and your hands were shaking as you tried to continue to pack but all you wanted to do was break down and cry. “It hurts knowing that some guy will be doing all those things with you and more. Like marrying you, starting a family with you, growing old together. I want that to be me that does all those things with you,” Michael said, tears falling down from his eyes as well. “You broke up with me while you were drunk. You slept with another girl while I was here. You know how much you fucking hurt me?” You scream at him, breaking down. He rushed over and held you tight. “Let go of me, Clifford!” You screamed and kept punching his chest but he refused. “No, call me selfish but I don’t ever want to let you go, I love you,” He screamed back. When those last three words hit your ears, you stopped punching him. “Say it again,” You whispered. “I love you [Y/N]. I fucking love you and I always will,” Michael whispered before you wrapped your arms around your neck and kissed him. “I love you too,” You murmured and he smiled, pulling you closer.

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