Childhood Proposes To Real Proposes

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Michael: You and Michael are sitting in your kitchen. You’re five and he’s seven. “Y/N?” Michael said softly. “Yes?” You answer. “We’re best friends right? And we love each other?” You nodded shyly. “Well, my mummy and daddy are best friends and love each other. They’re married. We should get married!” You giggled and nod you head. “Will you marry me Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N?” You stand up, giggling madly. “Of course I will Mikey Clifford!”

15 years later…

"Mikey!" You call from the apartment you and your boyfriend share. "Yes babe?" He says, siting by you on the couch. "Look what I found! It’s an d picture album from when we were younger." Mikey chuckles and looks over your should at the picture. You open the book and see a picture of the two of you standing in front of a fireplace. Both of your parents are seating around the two of you and there are flowers in your hand and in your hair. The two if you study the picture a little longer. "That’s when we ‘got married,’" you giggle. Mikey grins and tilts your face so he can see you better. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips and nods. He stands up and pulls you up with him. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a black velvety box. "I’ve been in love with you for a long, long, time now. Fifteen years I think. When we first got married. I continue falling in love with you more and more. So, Y/F/M/L/N, will you marry me for real this time?" You pull him up, nodding frantically and kiss him passionately. "Of course I will! I love you", you say, wiping away a tear. Mikey grinned and wiped away a tear from your face. "I love you too. Always."

Luke: You’re sitting on your best friend’s, Luke, bed. He just finished singing a song to you that he heard on the radio. “Wow Lukey! That was great,” you grinned. “Thanks Y/N,” Luke blushed. “Lets go downstairs and get some juice.” Luke nodded and followed you downstairs. “Hey, uh, Y/N?” Like says shyly. “Yes Luke?” You smile, turning to him. “Do you wanna marry me maybe?” You giggled nod. “Sure. I’m only eight though.” Luke blushed and hugged you tight. “I’ll wait then.”

13 years later…

You’re going to a party with your closest friends, there’s going to be live music, alcohol, and other various things that you absolutely /have/ to have at a party. You walk in and soon you and your friends are all spilt up. You sigh and walk into the kitchen, parties really weren’t your thing. You lean against the wall and scan the room. A cute boy starts walking over to you who seems kind of familiar. “Y/N? Is that you? It’s me, Luke!” The boy, Luke, says. “Yeah, I’m Y/N, do I know you?” Luke frowned and nodded, “We used to be best friends. I even proposed to you.” You think about it for a while then it hits you. “Lukey?!” Luke blushes and nods. You pull him in for a hug and giggle softly. “I forgot that we were engaged.” Luke blushes even more and shrugs. “You said you would wait.” You smile and pull him to a couch and talk all night. You agree to meet up again in a few days.

After months of hanging out and catching up, you both decide to be in a relationship. After a couple years d being together, Luke pops the question, the same way he did when you all were younger.

Calum: You and your best friend Calum were at a wedding. It was your mum’s friend who was getting married. You loved the beautiful decorations and flowers and the dresses. Getting married was your biggest dream. Calum thought it was cute that you were so excited over the wedding. He didn’t care that much, only came because you asked. He was fourteen and you were twelve. “Cal?” You whisper to him softly. “Yeah babe?” He whispers back. “Can we get married one day? Like, if by the time I’m twenty I don’t have a boyfriend, can we be husband and wife?” Calum licked his bottom lip, deep in thought. “Yes,” he says softly, a small smile on his lips.

8 years later…

It’s been eight years since you and Calum made the deal. Neither if you were in relationships, even though many people wanted to be with you and many people wanted to be with Cal, the two of you always turned them down. Why? They were in love. They didn’t want anyone else but the other. Calum had called you earlier and asked if you wanted to see a movie, which you jumped at the opportunity. Once you were done getting ready you drove to the theater where Cal already was. You walked up to him, and soon was engulfed by his large arms. “Hi,” you grin. “Hey!” He chuckled. You decided to see Catching Fire, even though you already saw it twice. Calum paid for the tickets and you paid for the drinks and popcorn. You walked to the right screening room, and found seats. The theater was empty other than the two of you. The previews were still showing when Calum tapped your shoulder. “Yes?” You said softly. “Remember our deal?” He whispered. You looked away and nodded. “You’re not with anyone. And neither am I,” he whispered. You bit your lip and looked back at him, “Yeah..” He stood up and took your hands, signaling you to stand up too. “Well,” he said, getting on one knee. “I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since I was fourteen and you were twelve. No, before that. When I was thirteen and you were eleven. I’ve loved you for a long time, Y/N. We made a deal right years ago today, that of neither of us were with anyone we’d get married. So, um, will you marry me?” Calum whispered. You pull him up and press your lips against him, kissing passionately. You pulled away, tears flooding your eyes. “Yes. Hell yes,” you whimper. Calum laughed softly and pulled you into a hug. You both pulled away and he slipped the ring on your finger. You grinned at him and you both sat down. The movie continued playing, but the two of you were more concerned with kissing the other.

Ashton: "Ash? Really," you groaned playfully. "Yes! I’m Ash from Pokèmon. And my nickname is Ash. It’s perfect and you know it." You sigh and nod. "It is perfect. Especially since I’m Pikachu." Ashton giggled and nodded. "I’m glad we’re best friends. I like you a lot." You blushed, you had had a crush on Ashton for a while but you would never admit it. "If you like me so much why don’t you marry me?" You teased. "Okay. Will you marry me?" He joked back. "Oh, well of course!" You giggled and winked. Ashton grinned and wrapped his small arms around your small waist. "Love you Y/N," he whispered. "Love you too, Ash," you whispered. You pulled away and hit his shoulder playfully, "Now lets go trick or treating!"

Ten years later…

You and Ashton were on a dinner date, celebrating your six year anniversary. Ashton said he had something big planned, and you had no idea what it could be. You secretly hoped it would be him proposing, but that probably wouldn’t happen. You ate dinner and talked about how each if your days had went. You finished dinner, and Ashton paid for it, even though you had insisted on paying for your own food. Ashton drove you to a park and you walked for a while. He sat on a bench and pulled you onto his lap. “I love you,” he said softly, and kissed the side of your neck. “I love you,” you said back quietly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sphere shaped object. He handed it to you, and upon closer inspection you saw it was a pokèball. You looked at him with an odd expression. “Open it,” he grinned. You bit your lip and open the ball. Inside was a ring and a slip of paper. The paper said ‘I choose you. Will you marry me?’ You turned around again, eyes wide. “Are you serious?” Ashton blushed and nodded shyly. “Remember that Halloween when I went as Ash and you went as Pikachu? You said that if I liked you I should marry you. So will you?” You grabbed Ashton’s face with both of your hands and kissed him sweetly. “Of course I will! I love you so much Ashy.” Ashton smiled brightly, the skin by his eyes crinkling up. “I love you too. I can’t wait to marry you!” You blushed and kissed him again, this time a little quicker. “Lets go home,” Ashton panted. You got off his lap and nodded frantically.

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