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Ashton: You lazily stumble into the bathroom, groaning when you look at the nest your hair turned into overnight. You run a brush through your hair, desperately trying to untangle it. Moving your hair off your shoulder you immediately notice a large purplish bruise on your collar bones. “Ashton.  Fletcher. Irwin.” You scream out, trying to remain calm. “What’s up baby?” He says, leaning on the door frame. “What’s up? This is what’s up!” You say, gesturing to the new marking on your body. He chuckles. “Do you think this is funny?” Crossing your arms across your chest, you glare at him. “It’s a hickey babe. It’s kinda funny.” He responds. “It’s not funny in the slightest! I have to go to work with this Ashton!” He smirks and makes his way over to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he rests his head on your shoulder. “That’s a good thing,” You raise your eyebrow. “Now everyone will know you are taken.” You roll your eyes at him. “Fuck off Irwin.”

Luke: "Hey Mom." Luke says sleepily as he stumbles into the kitchen with you directly in tow. "Good Morning hon- What is on your neck Luke?" He freezes in his tracks, causing you to slam right into his back. "What do you mean?" He says sheepishly. "You know exactly what I’m talking about." Liz says sternly. You take a glance at Luke’s front to try to see what his mom is talking about when you notice two large bruises on his neck. Your eyes widen almost instantly. You tug on his sleeve and he glances at you quickly, mouthing ‘What’. "Uh your neck Luke, you have hickey’s on your neck!" You whisper shout into his ear/ You can practically feel his entire body stiffen. His hand immediately flies up to cover the bruises. "So Y/N, care to tell me what happened dear?" Your face flushes. "Uh, I don’t know?" You say, your sentence sounding more like a question than a statement. "Uh-huh. You two are too young to be having sex. Do we need to have the-"  "We didn’t have sex!" You both scream out in unison, not allowing Liz to finish her sentence. She sighs. "Just be careful, ok? No matter what you do, just be careful." You both nod. "And Luke?" "Yea mom?" She smiles. "You may want to cover that up before you go outside." He mutters a reply and his mom leaves. "I hate you." He whispers, causing you giggle. "I know you love me Lucas." 

Calum: “Whoa what happened to you Calum? Finally found yourself a girlfriend?” Harry ever so casually points out; gesturing to the tiny little bruises covering his neck. Calum stares at his feet. “Why do you guys care?” He says defensively. “We’re just wondering Hood. But you know, if you did find yourself a lady, we want to meet her.” Harry says. Calum scoffs. “I don’t want you to scare her off just yet.” “SO THERE IS A LADY!” Ashton screams from the other side of the room. “Aw fuck.” Calum mutters when he realizes his mistake. “What’s her name? Where did you meet? Is she your girlfriend? Did you have fun last night? Did you use a condom?” A thousand questions are thrown at Calum from all around the room. “Just leave me alone.” He mumbles and tries to exit the room. “Nuh-uh. You aren’t leaving until we at least find out the girl’s name.” Ashton says, blocking the doorway. He stands there, staring at his feet. “Y/N…” He mumbles. A chorus of ‘ooohs’ and wolf whistles fill his ears. As soon as Ashton moves from the doorway, Calum makes a break for it.

Michael: A loud wolf whistle fills the room as you walk into the studio. “Michael got feisty last night, didn’t he Y/N?” Calum says, giving you a wink. “At least he got some action Hood,” You say, immediately shutting him up. “So, where is Michael anyway?” You ask. Calum raises an eyebrow, he says “Looking for round two?” You slap his bicep and he pretends to be hurt. “WHY DO YOU HATE ME!” He screams. “You’re an idiot Cal. Where is Mikey?” He points to the guitar room. “OH AND I MAY BE AN IDIOT BUT AS LONG AS YOU’RE WITH MICHAEL YOU’RE STUCK WITH ME!” He screams right in your ear. “Calum, I DIDN’T FUCKING LEAVE THE ROOM WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!?” He covers his ears. “Just leave, you’ve caused enough pain!” You chuckle and mutter ‘Idiot’ before pushing open the guitar room door. “OH AND DON’T DO ANYTHING IN THERE, IT IS TO REMAIN CLEAN AND UN-SEXIFIED!” You blush. Turning over your shoulder you yell “Shut up Hood!”  ”Was Cal giving you trouble baby?” Michael mutters as he notices your arrival. “It’s your fault.” He looks taken aback. “What?” “If you didn’t cover my neck with your stupid hickey’s then he would’ve left me alone!” He smirks. “You shouldn’t be talking! My back is filled with your demon claw marks.” “I hate you Clifford.” You mumble. “You love me.” You sigh. “I know.”

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