How He Is With Your Toddler That Isn't His

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Luke: Luke and you had been going out for only four months. During your second week of dating you had told Luke that you had a son named Ben and he was completely okay with it. He wanted to meet him actually, so you took him to your mom’s, who was babysitting Ben, and Ben and Luke instantly clicked.

Currently, all 3 of you were in your kitchen one day, you were cooking lunch for Luke and you while Ben sat in his height chair eating spaghettio’s. “Luke, I don’t know. He’s 15 months old now and still hasn’t walked yet. He was suppose to start walking two months ago according to like every website I’ve been too” you sigh, looking at your son making a mess out of his food. Luke came up to you and kissed your cheek. “Babe, maybe he’s lazy and don’t want to walk yet. Maybe he likes being carried around” he joked. You slapped his chest lightly. “Well, I can blame you for making him lazy. He spends more time with you then his own mom” you laughed. Luke laughed too and walked over to Ben. “Hey, I’m taking Ben into the living room to play!” Luke calls to you as he leaves the kitchen with Ben in his arms.

You didn’t say anything, but continued to cook. A few minutes later Luke starts shouting, “y/n! y/n! Get in here quick!” You ran into the living room to see your little man walking into Luke’s arms from the couch. “Oh my god!” You screamed in joy, running over to Luke and Ben. You squatted down next to Luke and leaned down to kiss Ben on the forehead. Luke was beaming with joy. “I can’t believe our little boy just took his first steps!” Luke said excitedly. You looked at him. “’Our little boy’?” you asked. He looked at you and looked back down at Ben. “I hope so. I hope one day he’ll be not just yours, but mine also” he said. You beamed and kissed him before saying, “I hope that happens too.”

Michael: You were finish cleaning up the kitchen with Xavier, your two in a half year old son, running around the house. Ever since he could walk, all he has been doing was running and causing chaos. Just then there was a knock on your door. You were curious on who it could be. The only people you were expecting was your sister, who was suppose to be picking up Xavier to babysit him, and Michael, your boyfriend of two weeks. But your sister wasn’t supposed to come for another hour and Michael another two hours. You went and opened the door to stand face to face with your boyfriend. You were beyond shocked he was here early. Not because you weren’t ready, but because you didn’t tell him that you had a kid yet.

“M-Michael?” You stuttered. “Haha, yeah. Sorry, I thought I’d come over early to see if we could start our date a little early. I can understand that you aren’t dressed, I can wait…” He trailed off, blushing slightly. “Um, I can’t exactly leave right away.” You muttered. “Why?” Michael asked. And just then Xavier came running down the hall and squeezed in between your legs to see the stranger in front of you. Michael squatted down and started talking to him. “Hello, what’s your name?” He asked. Xavier didn’t say anything, he couldn’t talk yet. “Xavier and he can’t talk yet.” You muttered again, refusing to look at Michael. “Your brother?” Michael asked. “Um, not exactly….” You trailed off. Michael just continued to look at you waiting for an answer. Xavier held his arms out to you, signaling he wanted picked up. So you did. “Xavier is my son.” You said, looking him in the eye, a sudden new wave of confidence hitting you. Before Michael could say a word you continued, “And if you don’t like the idea of me having a child, then you can leave. I will not pick anyone over my son-” you were cut off by Michael pressing his lips lightly to yours. “I don’t care if you have a son, but you could’ve at least told me” Michael laughed. “I’m sorry” You blushed. “Why don’t we just have our date here tonight? All three of us can hang out.” Michael suggested. “I would like that” You smiled. You ended up calling your sister, telling her she didn’t have to babysit tonight. Then Xavier, Michael, and you all sat around on the floor playing and having an amazing time.

It was around 7 at night now and you and Michael were sitting on the couch talking while Xavier played at Michael’s feet on the floor. Xavier fell right in love with Michael and hasn’t left his side the whole night. You were in the middle of talking when you were interrupted, “Mick-ael?” You and Michael looked down in shocked to see your son looking up at Michael. “What, buddy?” Michael asked. “Mick-ael!” Xavier said excitedly. “My baby’s first word!!” You shrieked! Picking up Xavier and spinning him around as your son laughed. Just then it hit you. “His first word was your name. How does that work? I am his mother and have been with him his whole life. You only known him for 4 hours and he says your name?!” You laughed. “What can I say; he and I are partners in crime.” Michael laughed as he took Xavier from you as Xavier shouted again, “Mick-ael!”

Ashton: “Come on, Ashy!” Sadie, your three year old daughter squealed, grabbing Ashton’s hand and pulling him toward the park. Ashton let out a laugh and let her drag him along. You just laughed and went and sat down on a bench. Sadie pulled Ashton to the tire swing and made Ashton push her. Ashton was with you for a year and Sadie has him wrapped around her little finger. She may not be Ashton’s, but he treats her like she was his.

Her real father was a complete douche. He stayed with you for the whole pregnancy and the first 3 months of Sadie’s life then claimed, “He can’t do this” and just left. Once Sadie turned a year old, you started dating again but every date, the guy ended up not calling afterwards when you told them that you had a daughter. Then Ashton came along and when you told him you had a daughter, he had to meet her. Sadie was cold hearted at first but instantly warmed up to him, and they been best friends ever since.

You look up to see Ashton holding his phone out about to take a picture. “Okay, Sadie! Pose!” Ashton said, Sadie posed and Ashton took the picture. “Got it!” Ashton said, happily. “Let me see! Let me see!” Sadie shrieked trying to look over Ashton’s shoulder from the playground equipment she was on. Ashton showed her it. “I look gorgeous!” She squealed. “You always look gorgeous, babe. It’s because you look like you mommy.” Ashton said, looking back at you. You blew him a kiss. Just then your phone let up and you saw a tweet from Ashton- “@Ashton5SOS: At the park with @y/t/n and Sadie! Look at Sadie, isn’t she amazing.” And there was the photo Ashton had taken.

Calum: “Nuh-uh! Unicorns can fly!” Your three year old daughter, Lizzy, argued with Calum. “No they can’t, the only kind of horse that can fly is a Pegasus.” Calum argued back. You just laughed as you sat in your chair reading your book. Calum was your boyfriend of six months and your daughter Lizzy loves him. She did from the moment he walked through the door.

You were straight up with Calum on the first date. You told him you had a daughter and that if he wasn’t okay with it, this will be the last date. And surprisingly, he was okay with it. So on your guys’ second date, he asked if you could bring your daughter so he could meet her. You guys met up at a family restaurant and things instantly clicked. Calum was a bit nervous at first because he didn’t know if Lizzy would like him or not, but Lizzy talked to him nonstop throughout the whole dinner. Telling him everything from her favorite color, to what kind of animal she likes, to what she ate for lunch that day. It was really cute. And the third date you guys spent at your house so Calum and Lizzy could see each other again, then that was when Calum asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes.

“But unicorns can fly! If they have magic they can fly!” Lizzy shot back at Calum. How this whole argument started was you guys actually had got done with watching The Little Unicorn. Yeah, it was an older film, but it was amazing. And after the film, Calum made the comment that Unicorn’s couldn’t fly and therefore that that film had incorrect information. Which then made Lizzy argue that unicorns can fly. “Hun, trolls are magical but they can’t fly.” Calum stated. “That isn’t even the same kind of animal!” She shot back. “Look it up on your phone.” Lizzy said, waving her small hand at Calum’s phone on the counter. “Know what? I will!”Calum stated before grabbing it. He typed for a few moments then turned started to read. You watched him, waiting for the answer. “So…..” Lizzy pressed. “You’re right, they can fly.” Calum sighed. “Yesssss!!!!!” She shouted as she jumped up in victory. She ran into her room to go play with some other toys then. “So, how does it feel to lose?” You asked, laughing. “Pretty great. I lied though. I was right, unicorns can’t fly. But I just said that to make her happy.” Calum confessed. “You are the sweetest person ever.” You smiled, giving him a peck on the lips. Just then Lizzy came running in and jumped into Calum’s lap. “How does it feel to lose?” She asked. “It sucks. I hope I win the next time.” Calum pouted. She patted his cheek before saying, “It’s okay, you won’t ever win.”

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