He Proposes

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Calum: You race Calum up a hill, reaching the top first and turning around just as he crashes into you, kissing you softly. He pulls away before you have the chance to deepen the kiss and he takes a deep breath. “Was that too much exercise?” You joke. Calum lets out a small chuckle and takes another deep breath, looking at the grass instead of you. “Okay,” he whispers to himself. He slowly reaches into his pocket before going down on one knee. You gasp suddenly, clapping a hand over your mouth and realizing what is happening as Calum grabs your other hand in his. “Y/n,” Calum sighs, “You know you make me the happiest I could ever be, and you know that my goal is always to make you the happiest you can be. And, well, I wanna make you happy forever, Y/n. I love you so much, and there’s no one else I could ever be happier with. You’re my best friend, my reason for smiling, and the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I want you to be my wife.” Calum bites his lip, looking at you nervously with tears in his eyes before he asks, “Y/n, will you marry me?” “Y-yes!” You choke out as tears fall from your eyes. Calum stands up quickly, taking your hand and slipping the ring on your finger before kissing you passionately. He pulls away suddenly and takes your hand, lifting it into the air in his own. “She said yes!” He yells to the trees around you, making you laugh.

Ashton: You sit on your hotel room bed waiting for Ashton to call you saying that he’s ready for dinner when you receive a text from him. Come to the roof ;) Although unsure of why Ashton wanted to meet you there, you head out of your room and toward the door to the roof that the two of you had discovered yesterday. “Ashton?” You call out quietly into the darkness of the seemingly empty rooftop. You look around and spot a path of candles leading across the roof. You hesitate, but follow the illuminated path, spotting Ashton at the end. You giggle and walk closer to him as he smiles nervously down at you. Ashton takes your hands in his own shaking ones and you look at him questioningly. “Are you okay?” You ask in concern. Ashton nods, taking a deep breath before going down on one knee. “Ashton,” you breathe out in awe. “Y/n,” Ashton sighs, looking up at you, “I love you.” “I love you, too,” you whisper. “I’m already crying,” Ashton chuckles, quickly wiping a tear from his cheek. “Okay,” he says shaking his head. “I love you. I loved you long before I told you I did. Some people say that when you meet ‘The One’ you just know, and, well, I knew. I knew the first time you laughed at my joke, the first time you kissed me, the first time you let me hold you while you cried. I knew I wanted to be the one to make you laugh forever, and kiss you forever, and hold you forever. I knew I wanted to love you forever. Y/n,” Ashton lets out a shaky breath as more tears pool in his eyes and he asks, “Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Irwin?” “In a heartbeat,” you reply with a watery laugh. “Oh, good,” Ashton sighs in relief, pulling a ring from his pocket and sliding it onto your finger. “It’s beautiful,” you state as Ashton gets to his feet. “You’re beautiful, Future Mrs. Irwin,” Ashton adds before kissing you softly.

Michael: “Michael?” You say, waving your hand in front of his face, “Earth to Michael!” “What?” He says quickly, reverting his attention to you. “Did you hear anything I said?” You ask with a frown. “I, uh, sorry,” Michael stutters. “Are you okay?” You ask, eyeing him in concern. “I’m fine,” Michael assures you. “Let’s go outside!” He suggests suddenly, taking you by the hand and leading you into the back yard. You gasp when you see flower petals scattered across the moonlit lawn. You look across the majestic yard, not noticing Michael get down on one knee until he clears his throat. You turn back toward him and gasp when you see the small box in his hand. “Y/n,” Michael breathes, “I’ve told you before that you’re my better half, and I’ve meant it. And I think that’s what’s been keeping me from doing this for so long. I’ll never understand why a girl as genuine, loving and beautiful as you could ever be tricked into falling in love with me, but for some reason you have. And I’ve been terrified of the idea of forever, and still am a little bit, because I don’t see how you could ever want to spend forever with me. But the truth is I can’t imagine forever - I can’t even imagine a day - without you. And if you’ll have me, I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Y/n, will you marry me?” “Yes!” You choke out as tears slip from your eyes. Michael fumbles with the ring and slides it onto your finger. He stands up, kissing you gently. “You’re crying,” you whisper, running your thumb over the tear on his cheek. “No I’m not,” Michael argues, quickly wiping his eyes. You give him a look and he lets out a watery laugh. “You make me emotional!” He defends himself. “I love you,” you sigh, kissing him again.

Luke: “You’ve been extra quiet tonight,” you observe as Luke and you walk down the beach. “Have I?” Luke muses, “Sorry.” “No worries,” you giggle, bumping his shoulder with yours as you walk hand in hand. Suddenly Luke pulls you to a stop, staring at you intently. “What is it?” You whisper, not wanting to entirely break the silence. “Here we go,” Luke mutters to himself, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box before kneeling in front of you. “Oh, Luke!” You gasp. “Okay, I practiced this for hours so get ready,” Luke warns you, making you laugh. “Y/n, you are the light of my life. As often as I try, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to explain to you how much I truly love you. You really have saved me. I never want to think about where I’d be if I hadn’t met you, and I certainly don’t want to think about where I would be if I lost you. When I think about the rest of my life, you’re always included, and without you I don’t think I’d have much of a life at all.” Luke pauses, biting his lip and thinking. “I forgot the rest of what I practiced,” he explains. You let out a tear-filled laugh and he laughs, too. “We’ll skip ahead then,” he mutters, “Y/n, I love you more than anything, and basically my life without you would be unlivable. You keep me sane and you listen and understand me. You make me laugh and think and you make me a better person.” You feel a tear trickle down your cheek as Luke’s eyes well with tears. “Where was this going?” Luke mutters to himself. “I think a proposal,” you chuckle. “Right, that’s it,” Luke laughs, grinning up at you. “Y/n, now that I’ve spent a really long time not making sense, I’ll keep it simple. Will you marry me?” “Absolutely,” you sigh, dropping down to your knees in front of him and kissing him eagerly. “Oh thank you,” Luke sighs in relief, sliding the ring onto your finger, “That would’ve been so awkward if you said no.” “I love you,” you laugh against Luke’s lips, making him laugh as well.

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