Kiss Me Kiss Me

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Can I call wake you up on a Sunday?
Late night, I think we need to get away.
Head lights, hold tight turn the radio loud.

"Hey, Cal. My mom’s mad again."

I hear him laugh on the other side of the line. “What’d you do this time?”

I sigh. “I don’t know. Just come and get me.”


“No, next Saturday, you dick.” I scoff. “Yes, right now.”

“Aw, (Y/N) needs me to save her again. I’m on my way.”

I hang up. It shouldn’t take long. He only lives a few blocks away. I just hope my mom doesn’t catch me. The last thing I need is another reason for her to be upset. I see a pair of headlights come down the street and slow down near the house. I open my window and the warm air begins to fill the room. I inhale the sweet air.

“Freedom.” I half-whisper to myself.

Calum gets out of his car and jogs to the window. “It still amazes me that you escape at least once every week and never get caught.” I look at his dimpled smile.

“It helps that I have a ground level room.” He chuckles lightly.

“C’mon.” He whispers, as he grabs my hand and helps me climb out of the window. “Where to tonight?” He says.

I climb into the car. “Just get me out of here before she wakes up.”

He chuckles and starts the car. “Any song requests?”

“Something angsty.” I suggest as he starts driving away from my house.

He turns on Smells Like Teen Spirit and begins to sing along. As we drive, I notice that we aren’t going to our usual get away.

“Where are we going?”

“Well, we could go to the Pit, but everyone is going to be there and I figure you deserve a little quiet time, ya know, with your mom and all.”

I smile.

“Aw, Cal.”

As if on cue, the car stops and we are stopped in front of a little secluded area on the beach. The moon is high over the water, and the waves are breaking calmly and quietly close to the shore.

“C’mon, (Y/N).” As soon as I’m out of the car, he grabs my hand and pulls me to the sand. We sit down and stare at the water, music still playing from his car. I lean my head on his shoulder. “Thanks for rescuing me every time I need you, Calum. You really are my knight in shining armor.”


And so kiss me, kiss me, kiss me
And tell me that I’ll see you again
'Cause I don't know,
If I can let you go

Michael stumbles up to me from across the bar. I giggle. “Mikey, how many drinks did you have?”

He slurs and the alcohol is strong on his breath. “Hm, does it matter?”

He buries his face in my hair, and nuzzles into my neck. “You smell really good. I really love you.” I laugh.

“Michael, how about I go and get the boys so you can get home.” I turn and begin to walk away. Before I get too far, a pair of strong arms grabs me around the waist and pulls me back. Michael kisses my head.

“Michael, you are so drunk.” I turn around to face him.

“Just kiss me.” He says. He leans in and kisses me. As he pulls away he giggles a bit. “Kiss me again.” I lean in and kiss him quickly. “I love you, Mikey, but you really need to go home.”

5 Seconds of Summer  PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now