Wearing His Clothes

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Luke: You woke up about midday, still completely exhausted. You stretched your arms in front of you, looking for Luke’s body in the dark. When you felt nothing but cold bed sheets, you slightly opened your eyes, taking in the room around you. You rolled over to look at the clock, sighing when you noticed the time. You’d promised yourself you’d study for the big test coming up, considering you’d done barely any revision for it. You sat up, starting to feel more awake, noticing the sound of running water, signalling Luke was in the shower.

After eventually managing to pull yourself out of bed, you trudged over to the wardrobe, searching for something to wear. You quickly pulled on a pair of leggings, but stopped with putting your shirt on when you noticed Luke’s from last night, still in the place he threw it before bed. You put your top back in the draw, opting for Luke’s instead.

You quickly did your hair and make-up, and grabbed your glasses. Just as you’d logged on to your computer and started noting down relevant information for your revision notes, the bedroom door opened, revealing Luke in nothing but a towel.

“Oh you’re up! What are you doing?”

“Studying,” You mumbled, staring at his bare back as he turned away from you to riffle through the wardrobe. He hummed in acknowledgement. You turned your attention back to the computer screen, carrying on with your note taking. You only stopped when you felt a dip in the bed, turning your head to see Luke fully dressed sat next to you crisscrossed. He wrapped his arms around you, mumbling a ‘hey’ into your neck.

“Luke, I have to study,” you sighed, trying to nudge his head away from your neck.

“That’s cool, you can study,” he tightened his grip around your waist. You stared down at him before going back to your work, knowing you needed to carry on. You’d been writing for less than 30 seconds before you felt Luke prod your cheek. You ignored it and carried on writing, but stopped when you felt another. You stilted your writing, but decided to not acknowledge him. Another prod, but this time with a whine. “(Y/NNNN)” he dragged out the last syllable.

“Luke, I’m trying to study.”

“But I’m bored,” He pouted.

“Then go find something to do. I promise we can do something later, after I finish this,” you tried to reason, but he wasn’t having any of it. He took your glasses off your head, and put them on himself.

“C’mon baby, let’s go for lunch or something!” You smiled at him wearing your glasses,  deciding on your next move. You looked in to his hopeful eyes for a few moments before sighing.

“You’re not gonna leave me alone until I entertain you, are you?”

“Nope,” He popped his P as he shut your laptop lid, pulling you off of the bed. “Nice shirt by the way,” he mumbled in your ear.

Ashton: It was the perfect way to wake up: the soft morning sun easing warmth on to your bare skin. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, and you hummed internally at the light spilling in to your room. You rolled over gently as to not wake Ashton, and found yourself staring at his flawless face, features accentuated by the early morning glow. Memories of last night flashed through your mind, the smile on your face growing. You reached out your hand and ran your thumb across his cheek. He subconsciously shied towards you touch, a sleepy smile lighting up his face further. He was so perfect, and he was all yours. Nights like last make you feel so incredibly lucky.  You were snapped out of your thought track when your stomach made a rather loud sound, and you became aware of the emptiness you felt. You were quite content with just staying in bed under the warm confinements of your duvet, basking in the warmth of your sleeping boyfriend, but the constant nagging of your stomach made your mind up for you. You carefully edged out of Ashton’s grip and out of bed, shivering by the lack of warmth. You located Ashton’s sweater that had become a favourite of yours, and pulled it on along with a pair of warm slipper socks. You tip-toed out of the room, making sure to skim around the creaky step on your way down stairs. When in the kitchen, you opted to just make some French toast. You were stood watching the bread fry when a pair of familiar arms wrapped around your waist, and soft lips pressed against your neck. You leaned back in to Ash’s chest, and his grip tightened.

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