Almost Giving Up On Your Relationship

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Calum: You threw your bags to the other side of the room, not caring where they landed, you just hoped that they’d distract you, but they failed. Calum walked in and tsked as he looked around the room. “What are you doing?” You stop, freezing with another round of clothes in your arms, preparing to fall to the ground in another heap. “Why the hell do you care, Calum? I thought you hated me!” Turning your gaze away you chuck the clothes and watch as the majority of them land in Calum’s empty suitcase he was gonna use to pack for tour. “I can’t hate you, (YN), it’s impossible. I love you too much to give up on you and our love, we have a future together, you may not see it through your anger, but we do.” You sat down in a heap and looked at him, a sad smile sketching onto your face. “You think you can stand me for forever?” He chuckled before sitting next to you. “Yeah, i think i can manage.”

Luke: Your hands slammed the door shut behind you and collapsed on the ground just outside your door and began sobbing uncontrollably. The fight you had just had with Luke was the worst, you didn’t think you guys could ever fix what had just happened. The bags you had brought with you when you moved in with Luke, now surrounded you as you sat in a crumpled mess outside your home, or former home, after Luke kicked you out. Not having the energy to move just yet, you stayed where you were and jumped when you heard the door open and someone staring down at you. “You’re still here, thank god!” Relief could be heard in the words his deep voice spoke as he sat down next to you and wrapped you in his safe and warm arms. “I thought you left.” “I thought i was going to, most likely still am, i just haven’t had the energy to get up yet.” you mumble, your voice void of life. Luke shook his head and kissed your temple. “I’m sorry for earlier. I was out of line, you were right, i should’ve listened to you instead of accusing you, i don’t want you to move out, i want you to please come back inside, i don’t want to live without you! Please, (YN), come back inside, i’m not ready to give up on us!” You rested your head on his shoulder. “Help me with my things?” He nodded and with what took you a few good trips, Luke was taking in only one, he was eager to have you inside with him again.

Ashton: “He loves you, you know that?” your brother, Michael, says to you as he found your hiding spot in the abandoned closet that had a view of the entire city of Sydney. “If he loved me, Michael, he wouldn’t have done what he did, he wouldn’t have said what he said.” “Ashton regrets what he said and did, and he explained it to me, and i don’t know about you, but i forgive him.” Spinning around, you snapped your head to look in Michael’s direction. “You forgive him? Why?” Michael shrugged and leaned against the door, sneaking a quick glance outside, checking for anyone else who might make an appearance. “I saw the pain in his face, (YN). The pain of losing you, it’s killing him.” You stood up and ran past Michael, out of the room in search of your boyfriend, you found him outside the hotel, staring at the same scenery you were. “Ash?” you call out carefully and smile as he stands automatically at the sound of your voice, relief in his features, the love he had for you, showing like no tomorrow. “(YN)!” he breathed and ran to you, enveloping you in his arms. “Michael talk to you?” “Yeah, he found my hiding spot.” “It’s not much of a secret you know.” he says with a chuckle and you playfully slap his shoulder. “It is for me, let me have my delusion please!” he grinned and kissed you just like the first time you guys ever got together. “I love you, (YN), i was an idiot and, if you feel the same way, i want to keep going with our relationship, there’s no way i’m ready to give you up, give up on us, there’s no way!” You giggle and place your arms around his neck. “I couldn’t agree more, Ash, i love you!”

Michael: “So, you’re just going to give up on us?” he asked as you ran around the house, up and down, left and right, packing all of the things you once brought to his house in excitement, now leaving with a trail of anger and hatred. “What the hell do you think, Michael? You believe the fans, the paps and everyone else before your girlfriend who has done everything and anything that she could to keep you happy, to defend you from the haters and even believed you when you said you weren’t cheating even with all the rumors. I trusted you Michael, and you can’t even trust me, i don’t know what the hell i did to not earn your trust, but i didn’t do anything not to have your trust. The blame is all on you, not on me.” He shook his head and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him, you tried to pull back, to get away from him, but you ultimately failed and was soon met with the familiar beat of his heart that you so loved and could easily fall asleep too. “What are you doing, Michael?” “Hear my heart?” he asks, ignoring your question. You nod and his arms rest around your waist. “It’s beating for you, and yes i know that sounded corny, but it’s true. It only beats like this when you’re around. I’m sorry it seems as if i didn’t trust you, but i do, i trust you, i love you, and i’ll always trust and love you over the fans and everyone else! It’s going to take a while, but please forgive me, please don’t give up on us, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t lose you, i’ll for sure die without you!” he finishes, just above a whisper and wipes a tear away from your face that you didn’t even know you shed. “So, (YN), what do you say?” You continue crying into his chest. “You’re so damn lucky i love you, Michael, and you’re so damn lucky i don’t want to live without you. I need you in my life too, yeah, i need you!”

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