You're Best Friends but One Boy Knows You Like Him - Part 3

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Luke: You hear the door open and Luke shuffles in, Ashton giving you a thumbs up over Luke’s shoulder. “Hey! How was your date?” You ask as Luke plops down next to you. “I’m not gonna see her again,” Luke replies immediately. “It was that bad?” You ask, making a face. “It’s not that it was bad, really,” Luke explains, “It’s just that I’ve realized there is someone better - someone who I’ve known for a really long time but never let myself see as more than a friend, even though I should have from the start.” He looks at you nervously, hoping you got the not-so-subtle hint. “That’s nice,” you state with an encouraging smile. “Well, don’t you wanna know who it is?” He asks, biting his lip. “Well, I’ll respect your privacy,” you respond, trying not to laugh as you torment Luke. Luke lets out an exasperated sigh and you give him a questioning look. “You’ve never wanted to ‘respect my privacy’ before,” he points out, using his fingers for air quotes around your words. “I decided I want to,” you say innocently. “It’s you!” Luke finally blurts out, “I like you!” A wide grin spreads across your face and you giggle happily. “Well?” Are you gonna say something?” Luke mutters. You shake your head, still smiling uncontrollably as you lean in and connect your lips to his. You pull away when you hear clapping, looking over to see Ashton standing in the doorway with a smug look on his face. “Get outta here, Irwin,” Luke chuckles, tossing a pillow at Ashton’s head before he ducks out of the room.

Ashton: “What does he mean we were supposed to wait until he left?” Ashton asks, looking to you in confusion. “Oh, funny story,” you chuckle, biting your lip. “Let’s hear it,” Ashton invites. “Calum knew I liked you,” you explain, “So he was giving me advice on how to, ya know, make a move. And he told me he’d help me tonight.” “Is that why he sent Luke and Michael to go buy ice cream halfway through the movie?” Ashton asks, laughing a little. You nod, blushing and looking away from Ashton’s amused eyes. “And why he dimmed the lights?” Ashton continues. “Yeah,” you mutter. “And pushed you closer to me on the couch?” Ashton adds, grinning at you and chuckling. “Yeah, that too,” you mumble, feeling your cheeks heat up. “You are so adorable,” Ashton sighs, shaking his head in disbelief. You bury your face in his chest, unable to stand his mocking smile. “Stop,” you groan in embarrassment. “What?! I’m serious!” Ashton insists, still giggling. “You’re making fun of me,” you mumble into his shirt. “No I’m not! I’m saying you’re cute!” He argues. You glare up at him playfully and he laughs again. “Well, hey, it worked,” you point out with a grin. “What worked?” Ashton asks. “Calum’s plan,” you state. “Ya, I guess so,” Ashton laughs. You smile up at him proudly and he leans down, kissing you gently and making you giggle.

Calum: You move your lips in sync with Calum’s as he cups your face gently. “Looks like I was right then,” Michael laughs. You pull away from Calum quickly and see Michael leaning against the door frame casually, a smirk playing on his lips. You blush, looking down at the carpet and Calum does the same. “Aren’t you gonna thank me?” Michael asks. “For what?” Calum asks, confused. “Forcing you kids to admit your feelings,” Michael explains, with a satisfied smile. “Thanks, Michael,” you say flatly. “Don’t forget to tell me that I’m always right,” Michael adds. You glare at him and he laughs. “You’re occasionally right,” you oblige. “Close enough,” Michael shrugs, leaving the room. You turn back to Calum and giggle when he smiles at you. “Where were we?” Calum asks, leaning toward you again. “GUYS! CALUM FINALLY MANNED UP AND TOLD Y/N HE LIKED HER!” You hear Michael yell from down the hall. You pause, laughing as a thunder of footsteps come toward you. Seconds later Ashton and Luke appear in the doorway, smirking at you and Calum. “Little lovebirds,” Ashton sighs. “Warms my heart,” Luke adds. “Can you guys leave us alone now?” Calum groans. “Yeah, we’ll let you get back to your woman,” Ashton laughs before scurrying from the room with Luke behind him. “Sorry about them,” Calum mutters, embarrassed. 

Michael: “You really like me?” Michael asks in disbelief. “Of course,” you affirm with a confident smile. Michael gives you a worried look and your smile falters. “Is that - is that not what you wanted?” You ask, your cheeks turning deep red. “Well, I dunno,” Michael says, deep in thought, “I guess I didn’t put much thought into what it would mean if you liked me back.” “What are you saying?” You ask, confused. “What if - what if we dated and, I dunno, it ended badly?” Michael asks quietly. His worry-filled eyes meeting your confused ones. “I mean, I don’t wanna lose you as a friend ever,” Michael explains, biting his lip nervously. “But what if it doesn’t end badly?” You ask in a whisper, “What if it ends beautifully?” “I’m just scared,” Michael confesses. You find his hand in the sheets and clasp it in your own before answering him, “You don’t have to be scared. We’re gonna do this together.” He opens his mouth to reply, but you cut him off. “And if we don’t work out that way, we’ll go back to being friends and forget the whole thing,” you propose. “Could you do that?” Michael asks hopefully. “I’d do anything to keep you in my life,” you confess with a sheepish smile. Michael’s eyes brighten and he leans in, pressing his lips to yours gently. “That sounds like a good deal,” he mumbles against your lips, making you giggle.

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