Strong by One Direction

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Luke: 'I'm sorry if I say, “I need you.”

"-and I know you have a boyfriend who you’re seriously committed to but I can’t just sit there and pretend not to feel anything because I do, (Y/N). I feel jealously and hate and it’s unbearable to see you with him. What I’m getting at (Y/N), is that I need you." The words were rushed but filled with hope as his hazel eyes peered at you. You sucked in your teeth, thinking about his words. "Luke, you need to go slower. All of this is too fast for me. You can’t just show up and tell me you need me while I have a boyfriend! It just doesn’t work out like that," you were beginning to get angry as you tried to calm yourself down,"I’m not saying that I don’t need you back, but I am asking you to give me some space until I figure out. I’m not going to just leave him. Neither of us deserve that. Just..give me some space, please?" Yeah, he was heartbroken. Yeah, he wanted to cry. But there was no well in hell he was going to show it. "O-Okay, I’ll leave." And with that, he left.

Calum:'But I don't care, I'm not afraid of love.'

"Dude, stop staring at her." A hard punch to his shoulder sent him out of his day-dreaming and his brown eyes snapped to Michael’s. "What the hell are you talking about?" He asked, trying to cover up his previous actions. "Stop trying to hide it, Cal. I saw you staring at her, I’m not stupid." Calum sighed, running a hand through his thick hair. "I just wish she would notice me." He groaned, burying his head into his hands. "Aren’t you scared?" Calum’s head snapped at, peering at Michael. "What do you mean?" "I mean, aren’t you scared to fall in love? Because let me tell you, it’s some scary shit." Michael shrugged, taking a sip of his water and biting into his apple that the school had provided him. "Hell no. I’m not scared of love, at all. In fact, I’m excited and ready for it." Michael nodded, thinking over his words. "If you’re not scared, then why haven’t you talked to her yet?" Calum nodded, taking his words into consideration. "Y’know what Mikey, you’re right." He stood up and marched over to your table, tapping on your shoulder. "Hi."

Michael:'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.'

"Mike, you have to get out of bed sometime. It’s almost noon and our show starts in a few hours." Luke shook his shoulder, earning a groan from Michael. "I miss her." The simple words broke Luke’s heart. Michael was one of his best friends and you were the first girl he ever actually loved. It sucked seeing him so sad and depressed. "I know buddy, but you have to do something." Michael didn’t move, breathing slowly. "Luke, is it bad that I’m so sad just because I haven’t seen her in along time?" Luke shook his head, even though Michael couldn’t see. "No, I don’t think it is. You truly love her and when you love someone, it’s hard to be away from them." Michael groaned once more, burying his head into his pillow. "When will it be over?" "Soon. Just think of it this way. If you get out of bed, the day will go by and that’s one day closer to seeing her." Michael sat up, nodding his head. "Alright, I’m up. Thanks Lucas." Luke nodded, sending him a smile. Luke left, letting Michael grab his phone and press your contact. When he heard the phone pick up, his smile instantly widened and he grew happier. "Hi, baby."

Ashton: 'Is it so wrong? That you make me strong.'

"Okay , okay. It’s your turn Irwin. What’s a confession that you’ve never told anyone?" You two couldn’t sleep, so had decided to have late night pillow talk. "I know this may sound really cheesy, but I hate when I’m not with you. It makes me feel sad and depressed and weak and I don’t like it. I guess that’s why I’m so touchy and over-protective. You’re seriously one of the best things in my life and I’m scared that one day you’ll realize that you deserve better, because trust me, you do, and then you’ll suddenly leave me. And I don’t think that I can handle if you left me." The sudden moment of vulnerability made your heart melt as you pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. "Lucky for you, I’m not leaving because I’m madly in love with you." He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Is it wrong that I’m in so deep?" You shook your head. "No, not at all. Because if it is, we’re both screwed.

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