Saying Goodbye At The Airport

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LUKE: You were by his side the whole time, holding tightly onto his hand as he chatted with some fans. As the time was getting closer, your heart was beating faster; he couldn't go. "I going to miss you so much," he turned to you once the fans had left to talk to the other boys. "I'm going to miss you too," you said, looking at the ground in hopes he wouldn't see your teary eyes. "Babe, look at me," he said, lifting your chin so you were looking at him, "Don't cry, please,". "It's just that I'll miss you so much," you hugged him tightly, sobbing on his shoulder. "(Y/N), babe, I'll miss you too," he said, wrapping his arms around you protectively, "But if you cry I might end up crying as well,". You chuckled, breaking the hug to look into his eyes, they were full of sadness, and you didn't doubt on his words; he was about to cry. "Sorry, sorry," you said, whipping the tears out of your cheek. "You don't have to apologize," he took your hands on his and kissed you passionately; soon involving one arm around your waist, and cupping your cheek with the other. Your hands, as soon as released from his, went straight to cup his face; trying to make the kiss last forever. "I have to go now," he broke the kiss once they called his flight. "I'll miss you so much," you said, not taking your hands away from his face and looking deeply into his eyes. "I'll miss you too," he pecked your lips. "Don't forget to call me when you get there," he pecked your lips again, "And to have fun," and again, "And not to cheat on me," he chuckled and pecked your lips one last time; you kissed him back, but quickly pulled away. "One last thing," you said, foreheads and nose touching. "What?", he chuckled. "Don't forget that I love you," you whispered, pecking his lips and hugging him tightly before letting him go. "I never will," he whispered, "Don't forget that I love you too,".

ASHTON: "Do you really need to go?", you whispered against his lips, arms wrapped around his neck, while his were around your waist. "You know the answer to that," he whispered back, kissing you once again. You juts couldn't believe he was leaving, of course he was going to live his dream, and you were happy for him, but, yet, you'd be apart for so long. "You won't cheat on me, right?", you asked, breaking away from the kiss. He laughed, but once he realized you were quite serious, he hurried to answer; "Of course not, babe, you know I have only eyes for you,". "Just checking," you giggled, pecking his cheek. As a flight attendant called his flight, he hugged you tightly, as if to never let go; you actually thought he was going to break your bones. He quickly broke the hug to say goodbye to his family, taking an extra time on hugging Harry, who was now at the edge of crying. "Don't cry, big boy, I'll be back before you even know," he said, kneeling down to his height, and whispering these last words just loud enough for you to hear, "And I need you to promise me something," Harry nodded, telling him to go on, "You need to look after (Y/N) for me while I'm gone. Can you do that for me?". "Yes," Harry said, giving his brother one last hug. "I knew I could count on you, big boy," he smiled. Once he turned to you again, you were smiling and crying, which he thought was comical. "C'mere, babe," he said, and you ran to his embrace. "I'm going to miss you so much," you sobbed on his chest. "I'm going to miss you too," he pecked the top of your head, "But I'll be always thinking of you,". "I love you so much," you said, looking in his eyes. "I love you too," he said back, kissing you one last time before leaving to chase his dream.

MICHAEL: Michael wasn't a fan of PDA, so that's why, when he was talking to fans at the airport, he only had one arm around your waist to keep you close to him. But, as the time for him to leave approached, he took you to a calmer corner, being able to give you a goodbye in privacy. "I'm going to miss you," you said, before kissing him deeply. "I'm going to miss you too," he smiled in the kiss, "But you'll visit me soon, and I'll call you everyday,". "Yeah, I guess," you frowned, "But I won't be able to do this," you said, kissing him again. "Yeah, I'll definitively miss that," he smiled, pulling away and caressing your face. "You're so beautiful," he whispered and you blushed, "How did I ever get so lucky?", he asks more to himself than to you. "I ask myself that same question everyday," you tell him, getting lost in his green eyes. For a moment, you could swear you saw tears in his eyes, but you couldn't think much about it, seeing as he enveloped you into a bone crushing hug; that you instantly responded to. "I love you so so so much," he told you as they called his flight. "I love you too," you pulled away from the hug to look at him; holding his face gently in your hands. "Michael we have to go," Calum called him. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute," he answered, not taking his eyes off of you. He kissed you his last, and most passionate, kiss. "You need to go," you said, breaking the kiss, and he sighed. "I'll call you as soon as the plane lands, okay?", you smiled at him. "I'll be waiting," he pecked your lips one last time before leaving with his three best friends.

CALUM: "Are you going to miss (Y/N)?", a fan asked Calum, whom's hand was wrapped tightly around yours. His face instantly turned to a frown, and so did yours. "Of course I will," he replied sadly. "I bet he'll be having so much fun he won't even have time to think of me," you smiled at the fans. "I bet I'll be thinking of you for so long I won't be able to have fun," he said, looking seriously at you. "But we can skype and text everyday," you told him, "And I'll be right here at home, missing you and patiently waiting for you to come home,". "And I'll be missing you wherever I go," he told you, leaning in for a breath taking kiss. You heard a cough and pulled away, remembering that you were in a public place. "Sorry," you muttered blushing and hiding your face on Calum's chest, who was now chuckling at your embarrassment. "You guys are the cutest," one of the girls said. "But that was so cheesy," you answered, face now back to normal color. "Yeah, but cheesy is cute," another one answered. You and Calum exchanged a meaning look, and instantly got as far away from each other. "Ew, cooties," you laughed. "Ew, cheesy couples," he followed your lead laughing too. The fans were filming everything, and it was totally going to be on Tumblr soon, but you couldn't careless. It was a moment of fun before Calum's flight was called and your face instantly dropped - just like your heart -, reality was calling. "Come here, babe," he said, arms open as he walked closer to you, noticing your change of expression. You accepted his offer and got lost in his hug; "I'll miss you," you whispered. "I'll miss you too," he whispered back. "I love you to the moon and back," you smiled, kissing him. "My love for you is so big that words cannot describe it," he said, smiling, and the fans tried hard not to aw. "I won", he chuckled, kissing you once again. "I thought we weren't a cheesy couple," you sighed. "And since when saying that I love you is cheesy?", he asks. "You know what I mean, 'my love for you is so big words cannot describe it'?", you mimicked his voice, "'C'mon,". "But it's true!", he pouted, trying not to laugh. "Okay, okay," you sighed, pecking his lips, "You need to go now,". "I know," he said, giving you one last hug, "But seriously, I love you with all my heart, (Y/N),". "I love you too," you said, letting him go.

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