Another Member Walks In On You Two

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Ashton: You groaned as Ashton’s hands trailed down your sides, his lips viciously attacking your neck with open mouthed kisses. He tugged at the hem of your shirt before sliding his hands under it, along your bare skin and pulling you even closer to his chest. He moved his lips to your ear, his warm breath fanning over your heated skin. “This has to go…” He said, his voice husky with arousal. Your knees practically went weak as his hands trailed down your sides, grasping the hem of your shirt and rising it over your body, carelessly tossing it aside. You were inside the venue, in a dressing room that was unoccupied. From the high of the concert, Ashton had come off stage in search of you. Adrenaline pumping through his veins, he grabbed your hand and dragging you to this vacant room, shutting the door and spinning you around so your back was against the wall, his body pinning you there. He gripped your hips, squeezing slightly and wedging a foot between yours, spreading your legs as he ground his hips against yours. You moaned against his lips as he smirked into the kiss, your hands tangling themselves in his hair. Your hands moved down his back, nails dragging across the thin fabric of his shirt until you too, pulled off his tank top and discarding it, not caring where it landed. Flesh on flesh, you continued to kiss, his hands roaming dangerously low as you both moaned as the kisses became more passionate and more intense. Within a split second, the room was illuminated in a blinding light - a contrast to the dark room you two were in - hearing voices echo around you. Ashton immediately pulled your body behind his shielding you from whoever had barged in on your moment. “I don’t think anyone’s in he- oh shit Ashton!” You heard Calum say as voices behind him asked what was there. “Oh my god I”m sorry!” He yelled as it finally registered what you two were doing. You blushed hiding our face in Ashton’s chest as the door slammed shut. You felt his chest shaking, as he chuckled darkly against you. “That was humiliating!” You cried, your hands still gripping his biceps. He laughed, bending down to reunite your lips again, trailing down your jaw to your neck. “Is the mood ruined?” He asked, his hands resuming what they were doing before. 

Calum: “The boys come over any second…” You said as Calum lifted you onto the kitchen counter standing between your legs; his hands traveling up and down your thighs. “They said they’d be here around twelve thirty and it’s quarter after twelve now, really how often are they on time? And besides… I’ve missed you… and I want you.” His voice suddenly went lower, making you groan against him. Calum always knew how to turn you on and get you in the mood by a simple sentence - a word - breathed against your ear in the hottest of moments. You were putty in his hands, knees going weak, and a fiery passion igniting in your chest. You pulled him closer, attaching your lips to his, giving into him. At first, the kisses were sweet, peppered along your lips and cheeks but as his desire grew the kisses became more passionate and his hands inching higher up your thigh. You couldn’t help the small moan that escaped your lips. He laughed slightly, his hands skimming over your hips to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. “What do you want, (Y/N)?” He breathed in your ear, biting your earlobe. You moaned against him, your hands squeezing his shoulders. “Oh god…” You groaned. “I’m not God babe,” He said laughing before nipping at the soft skin under your ear, surely leaving a mark. You wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him closer as his fingers rubbed slow, lazy circles on the small of your back. “Please tell me you’re not going to cook on that counter now,” Michaels voice broke through your trance. You gasped and pulled away from Calum, as he stepped away from you laughing nervously. “For all the times you guys are late, today wouldn’t be one of them?” He said turning around to face his three best mates. “It’s a gift,” Ashton said smirking at your flaming face. You jumped off the counter and readjusted your shirt and ran a hand through your hair. A chorus of laughter could be heard as they migrated to the next room just as Calum walked up to you. “Later,” he said squeezing your hips. He winked and walked away from you, leaving you more turned on then you already were. 

Luke: “But the boys are home!” You said as Luke’s hands inched closer and closer to your hips. He kissed you before pulling away, “that’s never stopped us before?” He said with a coy smile. It was true, the boys had been downstairs when you once had a heated make out session, so really, what was the difference now? You gave him a devilish grin before beckoning him over with your finger. He cleared the empty space between you two, kissing you, leaving you breathless. You gripped his shoulders as he backed you up until your knees hit the back of the mattress, causing both of you to fall. You shifted so you were completely on the bed, Luke following you closely. Propping himself up above you he re-attached his lips, moving against your as if they fit perfectly together. Your fingers idly played with the hairs on the back of his neck, as you continued to kiss. He bit your bottom lip gently and pulled making you gasp, he knew exactly how to get you going. He took the opportunity to kiss you again, his tongue exploring the insides of your mouth. “And here we have Luke and I’s bedroom,” you heard Ashton say as the door began opened. “Oh my fucking god,” he quickly adverted the camera away from the two of you. “I didn’t realize I also shared a bedroom with (Y/N),” Ashton said laughing. “Don’t you dare post that…” Luke said rolling off of you. Ashton laughed, smirking at the two of you. “Not so innocent are we Luke?” He said laughing as Luke groaned. “Get out!” Luke said, his cheeks red. You covered your face with your hands knowing that Ashton did in fact post that to Keek. As you heard the door slam shut, followed by trills of Ashton’s laughter, Luke came back over to sit on the side of the bed. “I’m so sorry,” he said groaning. “Ashton is a dick.” He added. You laughed pulling him back beside you. “It’s fine Luke, the fans will probably get a kick out of it.” You said hoping for the best, Luke sighing beside you. He grabbed his phone and saw the posted Keek, it already getting the most likes, as fans commented on how funny and cute it was.

Michael: “I have missed you so fucking much,” Michael growled against your lips as you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck, relishing the feeling of how close he was.  It had been far to long since you saw each other, him being away on tour made seeing each other very difficult. Pulling some strings and arranging a spur of the moment plane ride you had flown out to see Michael while he was in America. After your last skype call, he had broken down saying how badly he missed you and wanted to feel your skin on his, to hold you in his arms. Michael wasn’t one to show his emotions like that, and you knew how much this was killing him. So, here you were, locked in his embrace on the empty tour bus. He pulled you over to his bunk before pushing you down gently and crawling on top of you, kissing you with the longing of seven months. He dipped his hips against yours, causing you to moan, not holding back knowing nobody was on the bus. “You’re so beautiful (Y/N),” he said kissing down your neck. You lifted his chin to reconnect your lips once more. You wrapped a leg around his waist willing him closer and ran your hands over his shoulders, tugging at the thin fabric of his shirt. His hands skimmed down your sides, sending shivers down your spine. Every touch was electric, sending shock waves through your body, every kiss was like a zap, and every caress made you swell with joy because you were finally in his arms once more. “Michael, who are you with?” You heard Luke’s voice ask, and you gasped in shock. “Fuck,” he cursed against your skin as he raised his head to see Luke walking down the small hall between the bunks. “Why the fuck are you on the bus?” Michael growled, clearly not pleased with being interrupted. “Because I forgot my phone, oh shit, hey (Y/N),” Luke said blushing, clearly embarrassed that he had in fact broken up your moment. “Didn’t know you were coming on tour for a bit, I’ll leave you two… er… to it then.” Luke said awkwardly as he grabbed his phone out of his bunk and walked quickly off of the bus. “He’s an idiot,” Michael said looking back at you. Your cheeks were on fire. and Michael smirked. “Well now that we are alone…” He said kissing you again. As humiliated as you were, desire trumped anything.

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