"Kiss Me"

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Ashton: "Kiss me," Ashton pleaded, his face directly in front of you. "Shave," you giggled, pushing his stubbly chin aside. "I don't have a razor," he whined in desperation. "Then I guess you aren't getting kissed," you sighed with an apologetic smile. "You're so mean," your boyfriend groaned. He leaned his forehead against yours, looking you in the eye as he requested again, "Kiss me." "Your stubble itches," you whispered, holding the eye contact. "Some girls think it's sexy," he reminded you. "Then go kiss those girls," you retorted with a wry grin. He laughed, shaking his head at your sass. "You're so mean," he pouted. "i don't ask for much," you explained innocently, "Just a clean shaven boyfriend." "Fine," he gave in, "I'll be back." 

Michael: "Kiss me," you agreed with a decided nod, "It's not a big deal." Michael sighed, eyeing your lips warily. "A dare is a dare," Calum sang out, smiling at the mischief he caused. "Okay," Michael retorted, leaning in. You ducked out of the way, to your surprise as much as his. "I'm sorry!" you squealed in response to his disorientation and the boos of your friends. "I just wasn't expecting it," you explained, "I'm ready now." You stood still, cleared your throat, and waited for Michael. He leaned in, but hesitated. "Just kiss her!" Ashton jeered, "You know you want to!" "Not like this," Michael explained in desperation. The blank stares of his friends caused realization to dawn on him. "I mean, not at all!" he corrected, "I don't want to kiss you at all." "Well, I don't want to kiss you either," you returned, your cheeks heating up. "Bullshit," Luke coughed, earning glares from you and Michael. "Let's move on!" Ashton suggested, pulling you to sit away from Michael.

Calum: "Kiss me," Calum urged, pulling you toward him. "Why?" you asked your best friend in alarm. "Just do it," he insisted, cupping your face. You went along with it, allowing Calum to kiss you slowly. After a few seconds of your lips moving in sync, he pulled away. "Thanks," he said with a great sigh of relief. "What was that for?" you wondered, looking around the two of you for an explanation. "For the paparazzi," he giggled, nodding slyly toward a few girls with their cell phones pointed toward the pair of you. Your jaw dropped as you turned back to your problem-causing best friend. "You little slut," you laughed, "Why?" "They all think we're dating already," he explained, "Why not give them something to talk about?" "You're an idiot," you said with a frown. "You're a great kisser," he returned, unable to keep the grin from his face. 

Luke: "Kiss me," you whispered. Your eyes searched Luke's face for an answer. Even in the semi-darkness you could see his cheeks redden. "What? Me?" he spluttered. You laughed shyly, your own cheeks turning red in response to your sudden boldness. "You said you didn't know what to do," you murmured, inching closer to Luke on the picnic blanket you shared. He continued to stare at you in amusement and confusion. "You planned a birthday moonlight picnic for your best friend," you recounted, "We had wine and no food because it was terrible - no offense." "None taken," Luke chuckled. "And it's my birthday and I'm a little drunk and I want you to kiss me," you stated clearly. "Since it's your birthday, and since I'm a little drunk too," Luke said lowly, "I think that can be arranged." He leaned in and his lips connected with yours. You still weren't sure he wanted this until he pulled you on top of him, deepening the kiss.

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