Do You Ever?

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Luke: "Do you ever think about the what ifs and what happens if you didn't do something in a particular way?" Luke asks you, the both of you cuddling on the sofa. "Yeah," You smiled, leaning up to kiss him,"If I was never friends with Calum then we wouldn't have gone to Starbucks that day and I wouldn't have met you" "That would be a nightmare," Luke groaned,"I don't know how I could live without you" "I'm glad I met you Luke," You smiled," Even if you spilled your hot chocolate on me" Luke laughs at the memory before pulling you in for another kiss.

Ashton: "Do you think we'll ever find true love?" You ask your best friend since forever. "Why do you ask?" Ashton asked you, looking away from the TV to look at you. You just sighed," I don't know. So have you?" You looked over at your childhood crush, waiting for him to answer. "Yeah, I have," He grinned and you felt your heart shatter, looking down. You didn't notice that intertwined your fingers together,"And I'm staring right at her" You look up at Ashton in surprise only for him to place his lips on yours.

Calum: "Do you ever feel like breaking down because of all the hate?" Calum asked you. You sighed, looking down while playing with the bracelets on your wrist,"Sometimes. I mean, they're pretty hurtful but I'm used to them by now" A hand came into view and held onto your hand. "[Name], I thought you stopped," You heard him say quietly and you feel tears forming in your eyes. "I'm sorry," You sobbed out,"I just-They-I can't-" "Shh baby," Calum pulled you in for a hug,"It's okay, I'm here for you no matter what. They're just saying a load of bull. You're beautiful, you're amazing and I love you and only you, okay?" He wipes your tears away and you nod,"I love you too" "We'll get through this together," Calum whispers, placing a kiss on your forhead.

Michael: "Do you ever think about the future?" Michael asked one night while you two were in bed, his arm wrapped around your waist,"Like when we're married and we have kids" "Yeah, sometimes," You nodded, smiling,"But who ever said that I'll get married to you? Maybe we'll break up" The grip on his arm tightened around your waist as you two made eye contact. "No. I'm never breaking up with you. We're gonna get married and have kids and grow old together," Michael told you, not an ounce of playfulness on his face. "I was kidding Michael," You kissed him, smiling,"I can't wait for those days to come"

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