Ice Skating

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Ashton: When you were younger, you always thought it would be cool to make your own ice rink in the back yard. So, this year you and Ashton took the challenge. You went to Home Depot, bought some would planks, nails, and a tarp. You both stood outside all bundled up, making the base. Next step was to fill it up. The difficulty of this step was that your outside water pipe had frozen. So you had to improvise. Ashton took the hose inside of the house, and hooked it up to the sink. You unravel the hose to the  the structure. You gave Ashton the signal to let the water run, and it ran through. You ran inside, and began laughing

“This is the most ghettoest set up ever. As long in the near future we will get a skating rink,” You smile.

“I just thought of what Calum would say if he saw this. Omg we have problems,” Ashton laughed. In the long run you had gotten a homemade skating rink. In which you both skated on once in a while.

Calum: Calum and you were shopping the mall for some last minute Christmas shopping. As you were looking at some perfume to get your mother, Calum was getting the boys presents. He was on level 1, and you were on 2. You had gotten the perfume, and as you were walking out of the shop, you phone began ringing. You quickly grabbed it out of your coat pocket, without dropping the multiple bags you had in your hands. You held your phone up to your ear. You Calum screaming at you telling you their is an ice skating rink. You laughed at his childness, and told him you’d met him there in 10 mins. Once you finally found your way to the ice rink, you spotted Calum holding 2 pairs of skates. You smiled at him, and said hi. He took your bags, and put them in the locker he rented, to put your things. Once you both had your skates on you got on the rink. You just both skated around talking about the presents you got for others.

Luke: You had read online that there was a new ice rink in town and you wanted to check it out. After a lunch in town with Luke, you had drove him to the ice rink. Once he saw it, he stiffened, and seemed very nervous.

“Luke what’s wrong?” you ask staring at him.

“N-nothing, just a bit cold,” he lied.

“Your such a bad liar. Tell me what’s really wrong,” you state grabbing on to his hand.

“Urg, well if you really want to know. I’m nervous because I don’t know how to ice skate,” he said shyly.

You giggled, “I’ll teach it’s not much different form rollerblading.”

“It’s not funny,” he pouted as the two of you began walking to the skate renting station.

“Sorry,” you giggle again. Once you got to the station you had asked for you shoe size, and Luke go his, and you paid. Once you both got all of your skates on you slowly walked over to the opening of the rink.

“Alright, I’m gonna hold on to you, and begin for us. You follow what I do,” you demands, after a couple times around the rink Luke was nearly pro. By the end of the day he was better than you, and he had begun that day.

Michael: You didn’t know to ice skate nor’ roller skate. So when Michael told you where you were going for date night, you didn’t like the idea. You were terrified that he would make fun of you because you didn’t know how to skate. You thought the best way to solve the idea was not to tell Michael, once you got to the ice rink. You had gotten your skates on. Once you got on the ice you froze, you had no clue what to do. And Michael was skating away. You just stood there looking like a fool. When Michael was halfway around he had noticed you hadn’t moved one step on the ice. He quickly came to your side.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, besides the fact that I don’t know how to skate,” you say nervously. Hoping he didn’t laugh.

“Oh, it’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll teach you,” he smiled taking your hand.

“Wait, you’re not going to laugh at me?” you ask puzzled.

“Why would I do such a thing? It’s nothing too embarrassed about just hold onto me and listen to my instructions,” he smiled kissing the top of your hand and dragging you along with him. It took you a while to get the hang of it. You had fallen at least 20 times, and 1/4 of that bringing Michael down with ya. But it was a fun date.

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