18.| ɪʟʟᴜᴍɪɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ [1]

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   [18]. Illuminated.

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NOW SEATED IN THE police department, the group— Stiles, Hope, Scott, Lydia, and Kira were held back to answer some questions for agent McCall. Also known as Scott's deadbeat dad that no one seemed to have liked. The girls stayed silent while both Scott and Stiles did whatever they could to give Agent McCall sass and attitude.

None of the teens wanted to spend their night in the police department.

"So when did you get there?" Agent McCall questions, looking at Stiles.

"At the same time." Stiles simply responds.

"At the same time as who?" The man questions.

Scott sighs. "At the same time as me."

"By coincidence?"

Stiles's brows furrow. "What? What do you mean coincidence?"

Agent McCall huffs. "That's what I'm asking you. The two of you arrived at the same time. Was that or was that not, by coincidence?"

Now Scott's brows furrow. "Are you asking me?"

Stiles shakes his head. "I think he's asking me."

Hope shrugs. "I think he's asking the both of you."

"Okay, let me answer the questions." The man earns a look from Stiles before he fixes what he said. "Let me ask the questions." Stiles winks at Agent McCall causing the man to roll his eyes. "Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

Stiles nods. "Sounds about right."

Agent McCall eyes the teens not believing their story one bit. "How did you know he'd take her to a power station?"

Stiles scratches his head. "Well, 'cause he was an electrical engineer. So where else would he take her?"

"That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles."

"Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement." Stiles smirks, he winks at his dad who was seated behind Agent McCall

Sheriff Stilinski snorts, he then plays it off acting as if he was coughing. "Stiles, just, uh...Just answer the man."

"We made a good guess," Stiles answers the question he was asked from before.

"What were the two of you doing?" The man asks looking at his son and Kira.

"Eating pizza," Kira says

"Eating sushi," Scott says.

Realizing they said different things, Scott and Kira now switch their answers.

"Eating sushi."

"Eating pizza."

Both Scott and Kira share a look. "Eating sushi and pizza," they say in unison.

Agent McCall faces the Sheriff. "You believe this?"

The Sheriff shrugs. "To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak. But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it."

Agent McCall's attention now falls onto Kira. "Kira, is that how you remember it?"

Now the entire group was looking at Kira.

Kira awkwardly nods. "Yes. Could I get my phone back now?"

Agent McCall shakes his head. "Sorry, but no." he opens the door allowing them all to get out. "Kira, a deputy is going to take you home. But we'll need you to fill out some paperwork first."

With that, they all made their way back home where the night ended. The power in town had still been off. But that didn't take away from the fact that it was still a school night.

School went by quickly, it was now nighttime. It was also now time for a party. Of course, Hope and Stiles went with one another. And the party just so happened to have been in Derek's loft.

"It just showed up there on my key ring this morning," Stiles tells Scott referring to a key. "I asked my dad if he put it there but he said he didn't know anything about it."

Scott's brows furrow. "It's just a key, right?"

"Yeah, but it's not mine. And I don't know how it got there or what it's for."

"You want to leave so we can figure it out?"

Hope who had just a sports bra on with her body painted walks over to Stiles and takes ahold of his hand. "I don't want to know what you two planned on doing— but Stiles is staying with me and dancing." she kisses him on the cheek before walking back into the crowd.

Stiles who watched Hope leave smirks. "It can wait. It can wait," he says before following her to the crowd.

Both Stiles and Hope began to dance with one another. Once again, another night where she felt like a normal person. Stiles notices her happiness and he smiles.

"You look like you're having fun."

"Yeah, I am." Hope laughs. "Are you?"

Stiles smiles, he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her in. "Yeah... I'm really happy."

The Tribrid smiles once more, she pulls him into a kiss. Stiles was shocked but he instantly kissed back.


"Yeah... woah."

Smiling like idiots, They both get painted up with each other and they continue to dance. But that's when Hope stopped. She hears a roar.



And a few minutes later the party was shut down by nonother than Derek himself. After screaming for everyone to get out, all the humans left. Hope's eyes land on one of the figures, it had on a mask, and it was wearing all black. She looks around realizing that Stiles was gone. But before she could say anything she was interrupted.

"Guys... they're looking at us," Aiden announces to the group, referring to him and Hope. "Why are they all looking at us? Guys?"

The figures begin to walk towards Hope and Aiden. Derek was first to attack she runs after Oni-looking creatures which he had to admit— they kicked his ass. One of them goes to attack Aiden and Scott blocks the hit only to get thrown against the wall. Isaac then jumps into the fight only to back out of it in fear when the Oni took out a sword.

"Somebody do something," Allison begs as she sees them all getting closer to Hope and Aiden.

The Oni's appear behind both Aiden and Hope. The creatures grab their heads. One Oni looks into Aiden's eyes before he falls onto the ground.

The same Oni then does the same to Hope but it stares at her a little longer. And just like that, it burns the same symbol onto the back of Hope's ear.

And with that, Hope falls on the ground just like Aiden— she fell unconscious.

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