69.| ᴛʀɪʙʀɪᴅ [1]

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69. tribrid.


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HOPE HAD A SLEEPLESS night. She couldn't sleep knowing anyone could've possibly been waiting to kill her. To hurt her. She simply stood at the end of her bed, watching out of the window. She could hear heartbeats. She knew that there had been people around her, watching her.

Their hearts had been beating fast. She stands from the bed and walks to the window. Hope feels a hand being placed on her shoulder, scaring her. She jumps and growls but quickly calms herself once she notices who it had been.

"S-sorry." Hope mumbles.

Lydia slightly smiles. "It's okay. Can't sleep?"

Hope shakes her head.

"Same with you?"

"Yeah." She breathes out heavily. "I had a really, really weird dream. Not even a dream but it was like.." she tries to put it in words. But she didn't know how to. "I think Jackson is back. And I- I think he's in trouble."

Hope's brows furrowed. "I- I don't know a Jackson. Aside from mom's husband.." she frowns. "I'm not sure I know the one you're talking about."

"It's a long story. I'll explain it in the car." Lydia says as she begins to walk away.

Hope's brows furrow. "In the car— where are we going?"

"To Scott's."

'Great.' Hope thinks to herself.

The two girls quickly got ready and drove to Scott's place. On the way there, Lydia stuck by her word and explain to Hope who Jackson was to the pack along with what he was.

But things got bumpy. Because Scott and Malia were nowhere to be found. And badly enough, the cell phone towers had been cut off.

So they tracked the two down leading them to a shipyard where they found Scott, Malia, and Deucalion.

Hope's brows furrow. "Well, this is new."

Deucalion smiles. "Tribrid, good to see you again."

Hope narrows her eyes, looking at him in his. "I guess you mean literally," she mumbles.

Before the conversation could continue, gunshots were fired. All hitting Deucalion. The man's body falls to the ground. Behind the group sees Monroe and a group of armed men. Before they even had a chance to react, more shots were being fired. The group all runs to hiding.

With Monroe and her Hunters still shooting up the shipyard where Hope, Scott, Malia, Lydia, Peter, and Deucalion had just met up, all of whom are equipped with the weapons they received from Gerard. Deucalion has just been critically shot in the chest and abdomen multiple times, and the others have taken cover behind support beams and shipping containers as they plan their next move.

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