53.| ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪɴᴇʀ [1]

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53. the diner.

WITH JOSIE NOW IN the hands of both Hope and Theo, they knew that the team would do everything in their power to get the Gemini witch back home safely

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WITH JOSIE NOW IN the hands of both Hope and Theo, they knew that the team would do everything in their power to get the Gemini witch back home safely. But Hope just couldn't allow that. Not without having her fun of course.

"I've got to say... I'm surprised you did this." Hope tells Theo, referring to Josie's kidnapping. "I'm also surprised you showed up with no bruises."

Theo chuckles. "Yeah... it was pretty easy getting past them."

Josie who was tied up and sitting in a corner, couldn't help but till her eyes. Knowing that he hardly did anything but walk out and let the Dread Doctors take care of his work.

"How's the arm?" Theo switches the subject before she had a chance to bring up anything else about their crazy night.

Hope removes the bandage and holds her arm up, revealing her newly healed skin. "It healed perfectly. Perks of being a Tribrid— you heal way quicker than most supernaturals."

Theo simply hums. "So what are we going to do with little Josie Saltzman?" he questions.

Josie seemed just as interested in the answer to the boy's question because her attention fell onto the Tribrid.

Instead of responding, Hope walks over to the countertop where she picks up a small, yet sharp, blade. She twirls it on her finger while walking closer to Josie who shakes her head trying her best to scoot away.

"Oh, don't worry, Jo. I won't kill you." Hope says in a low tone as she crouches down. She presses the tip of the blade to her cheek and creates a small wound causing the Gemini twin to wince. "But I might hurt you just a little." she licks the blood off the blade.

The Tribrid pulls Josie up from off the ground. She removes the gag which she had in her mouth that kept her from talking.

"Why are you doing this?" Josie questions while catching her breath.

Hope shrugs. "It's fun. Exciting. We all gotta get out of our comfort zones and try something new."

"I don't think slaughtering an entire town is that exciting." Josie mumbles.

"You know for someone who wants to stay alive, you're making it impossible for yourself."

Josie sighs, she places her hands on Hope. "I just want what's best for you..." before the Tribrid was able to spit out a word, Josie began to siphon the Tribrid dry.

She wasn't able to pull away, she felt her skin burning up. But before any more damage was able to be done, Theo grabs Josie by the neck and slams her into the wall.

Hope stumbles back gasping for air. Theo held onto the Tribrid worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

Hope slowly nods. "Yeah... that just feels so weird."

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