36.| ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀʟʟᴏᴡ [1]

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36. the hallow.

A LOT HAPPENED AFTER Lucas accessed Liam's mind

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A LOT HAPPENED AFTER Lucas accessed Liam's mind. A lot of secrets unfolded and let's just say Hope was truly confused. And pissed off too. After being released from the hospital Hope took an unconscious Liam out of his bed and took him to the car where she drove to the one place she knew she'd get answers from.

New Orleans.

Hope felt extremely weak, she was taking a risk by driving. No one knew she was released or where she was heading. So she expected her phone to be blowing up in a few hours or so. All miss calls would probably be from Stiles.

"What the hell..." Liam mumbles, he jumps out of the seat and tries to open the door. "Did you just kidnap me!? Where the hell are you taking me?"

"I didn't kidnap you."

"Yeah. You did."

"Just- shut up." Hope rolls her eyes. "Liam, our memory was erased of each other. And apparently, you're my aunt Bex's son and my cousin who I don't remember but apparently grew up with. I want answers, do you?"

Liam crosses his arms, he nods. "Yeah..."

"Alright then... shut up." Hope repeats, she sighs.

Liam glances at her, he frowns. "Why would she have our memories erased of each other?"

Hope shrugs. "I- I don't know. But i'm sure it was for a good reason? Hopefully..."

The rest of the car ride was silent. They talked here and there but not too much. After a good four hours, they finally arrived. They asked all around town for Rebekah and finally, they got a location. It was this a huge house, it was beautiful.

"Woah..." Liam says in awe as they both walked up the steps of the house. "She lives here?"

"I think so." Hope knocks on the door.

There was no answer.

She nocks again.

Still no answer.

"Okay, fine." Hope does a spell that breaks the door handle off.


Hope snorts.

They both walk inside of the house, they heard laughter coming from a room. Hope and Liam both share a look and follow the laughter which led them to the kitchen. And Liam instantly gaged.


Both Rebekah and Oliver jump from off of each other and their eyes widened as they saw the two teens before them. Hope could've sworn Rebekah almost teared up.

"Liam..." Rebekah was first to speak. She goes to hug the boy but he backs away. She seemed hurt. "Oh.."

Hope looks at the woman sighing. "We don't know how— or why but we remember. I'm not sure what exactly is it we remember but apparently, I know Liam, and I didn't just meet him."

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