50.| ʜᴜᴍᴀɴɪᴛʏ [1]

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50. humanity.

SHORTLY AFTER THE TRIBRID'S meltdown and exit, the group gathered themselves and sat around the table

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SHORTLY AFTER THE TRIBRID'S meltdown and exit, the group gathered themselves and sat around the table. They were all still in shock from the way she had acted towards them. Liam was truly frightened and it was nothing he's never seen before but that didn't mean she didn't get scarier over time.

"Theo got into her head..." Stiles announces, he fiddles with his fingers.

"We don't know that for sure." Scott sighs.

Stiles narrows his eyes. "Are you- are you serious right now? She said it herself that Theo told her all of this. He's trying to split us up, h-he has a plan. I knew there was something off about him—"

"Theo isn't our worry, Hope is."

"I agree." Liam nods, joining in the conversation.

"We have to stop her before she hurts anyone else. She's dangerous now, we don't know what she could do." Scott tells the group.

Liam's brows furrow. "Wait— what? How is- okay I get she's dangerous but we catch her, then what? She feels alone and betrayed, us catching her like she's a villain just proves everything she said."

"Mikaelson's have a reputation of—"

"Don't talk about my family." Liam stands from his seat. "I'm not going to help you guys treat Hope like some bad guy. She's felt this way before and our family has gotten her out of this. So if I need to do it again, then I will."

"And what if she tries to kill you?"

"Nothing I haven't gotten out of before." Liam walks out of the house, slamming the door shut.

Scott sighs. "He'll come around. Until then, we need to find Hope before she kills someone just because she's bored."

"That's still Hope in there, Scott." Kira mumbles. "I think Liam's right... she's just scared."

"We're all scared—"

"It's different for her." Malia scoffs. "We haven't been through anything as bad as she has. We don't know what she's feeling or thinking. But what we do know is that angry or hurt, that's Hope."

"Until she turns off her humanity," Stiles mutters.

"What do you mean turn off her humanity?" Kira questions.

Stiles bites his bottom lip. "One day Hope and I were discussing her vampire side... she was telling me that there's a history of a ton of vampires turning their humanity off whenever things got too intense. Too real and emotional. Guys, we need to find Hope before she turns it off."

"What if it's too late? What if she already did?"

"If she's a threat and there's no choice. You know exactly what we have to do." Scott tells the group.

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