43.| ᴀʙᴏᴍɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ [1]

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43. abomination.

OVER THE LAST FEW days Hope has been under strict house arrest

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OVER THE LAST FEW days Hope has been under strict house arrest. According to Stiles, she was not allowed to leave her room. Does Hope listen to his orders? Of course not. But it did warm her heart to know her cared for her. But it also began to scare her. All she could think about was her dream. And what her da— hallucination said.

She didn't want anyone else risking their lives to save her.

But she also didn't want to be the monster that killed everyone in sight because of some gut feeling. So, Hope quietly sat in the room just staring at the ceiling. She tosses and turns trying her best to fall asleep.

But of course, she couldn't.

Hope goes to shut her eyes once more, but as soon as her eyes close, there was pounding on the front door. Seeing no one was home, Hope drags herself downstairs. She unlocks the door and swings it open.

What she saw shocked her.


Before she could finish the sentence, Michael snaps her neck causing her to fall unconscious.

"This is gonna be fun," Michael smirks. He throws Hope over his shoulders and makes his way out of the house. But not before writing a note, stupidly giving away his plan.

Hours later, Hope groggily wakes up. She studies her surroundings and once she realized where she was, her heart skipped a beat. She goes to stand up but realizes she had been tied to a chair.

"I was hoping you'd be out for a little longer."

Hope looks up. "Why the hell are you still alive?"

"I guess you can call it luck." Michael shrugs.

Hope glances at the pit then back at Michael. "You plan on doing something?"

Michael chuckles. "You think I don't know of this little plan Lucas had?" he questions. "Infusing himself with your blood and destroying his perfect, and powerful vessel?"

Hope stays silent.

"I'm always one step ahead, Tribrid." He spat. "I know every move. I know everything that goes on. Who do you think was in charge of that little dream you had."

Hope's jaw tenses. "How'd you even get inside my head? You were nowhere near me."

"You're weak," Michael says. "Very weak. All I had to do was concentrate hard enough. Your mind was exposed to me within seconds." he sighs. "You see, if I'm right about tonight... that means, in the end, I'll end up winning. Lucas dies. You die. Bad things are coming for you both. Including your beacon Hills family. And you, Hope. You're so gullible, so naive. I'm actually rooting you'll escape your upcoming death. Allow your inner beast to show."

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