66.| ᴀɴᴜᴋ-ɪᴛᴇ [2]

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66. anuk-ite.

TRUTH BE TOLD, DEATH frightened the Tribrid

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TRUTH BE TOLD, DEATH frightened the Tribrid. But it wasn't her own death. It scared her knowing that at any second someone around her could've died at any given moment. You would expect that since she's lost so much, it would no longer affect her. But that wasn't it at all. She was scared. More than scared of having to lose someone that she cared so deeply about.

And seeing Melissa— a new mother figure bleeding out on the ground, suffering the consequences of Hope's actions, it broke her. Everyone was hurt. Scott's dad, Lydia, Melissa, Mason— they all were injured.

And that pain soon reflected into anger. Built-up anger that she needed to let out.

"Hope." Stilinski pulls the Tribrid from out of her thoughts.

Hope slowly looks up at the man, not saying a word. She keeps her hands intertwined with her own, resting on her legs.

Stilisnki sighs. "Whatever you're thinking, don't."

"They could've all died."

"But they didn't." The man says. "I promise that we're going to find out who did this."

"We all know exactly who did this." Hope stands from the ground. "I've got to go," she says.

"Where are you going?"

"Check up on Liam." She answers.

There wasn't much left for the Tribrid to say. She was angry. Not just at Monroe and Gerad, but at herself. She knew she brought this upon herself. But like always the pack decided to call a meeting. And with that meeting came a plan.

A very risky plan.

Hope and Liam both found themselves back at Beacon Hills High. Liam assumed he had a good lead on who the other half of the Anuk-Ite could've been. In Stiles' jeep, the two were parked outside of the school.

"Her." Liam points.

Hope follows his gaze which fell onto a teacher. "Are you serious? Mrs. Finch? You sure?" she asks.

Liam slightly shrugs. "It was her on the phone."

"Okay, well, that still doesn't prove that she's the Anuk-Ite, or even that she's one of us."

"It was still her."

Hope sighs: "Okay, well, we need to get closer, see if we can get her to expose her supernatural side."

"How are we gonna do that?"

"We aren't," Hope tells him.

That's when it clicked and Liam understood right away that Hope was about to now make him enter the school for the first time in weeks.

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