44.| ᴀ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ [1]

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44. a promise to the dead.

A FEW DAYS HAVE passed since Hope found herself at Triad

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A FEW DAYS HAVE passed since Hope found herself at Triad. That night had still been a blur to her, she remembered Michael dying and falling into the pit. But there was a huge chunk of the story missing that she couldn't quite remember. Like why was she crying? Why couldn't she remember everything that entire night?

There were so many questions that she had. But it all seemed to have been answered on its own. Hope had been spending constant time with Liam and Mason. At first, it was only because of what Michael put in her head but then it became because of some gut feeling saying things were going to change soon.

But tonight was different. She decided to stay the night in with Stiles. And it was honestly the worst idea she had.

She woke up from sleep to the sound of rumbling thunder. But when her eyes were closed, she'd dream— have nightmares of these created. They had metal masks, these old-looking coats, tubes coming from out of those hideous masks they wore as well.

It terrified her.

Hope was woken up by Stiles the next morning saying it had been time to go to school. After about an hour of getting ready they both had now been at school in their separate classes.

Hope wasn't able to stay focused at all. She kept zoning out, thinking of her dreams, about what Michael said. There was too much going on.

And on top of that, she still felt like a big part of her had just vanished overnight.

Hope stands from her seat, she throws her backpack on and begins to walk towards the door.

"Miss Mikaelson, what do you think you're going?" The teacher questions.

Hope completely ignored her and walked off. She walks down the empty halls. Just as she began to zone off again, she hears aggressive coughing and a heart beating out of the chest. She catches a scent and realizes it was Liam.

She follows the coughing which leads her to the gym. She then sees Liam who had been struggling with the weights. She runs to help him. Hope lifts the weight off of him, Liam continues coughing, he falls to the ground.

"Liam—" Mason appears behind the two.

"I'm fine." Liam coughs out.

Hope eyes, Liam. "If you don't want to be with us, that's okay. But don't push your friends away too. You know better than that." she whispers to him.

Liam looks at her with sad eyes which quickly turn into panicked ones. Hope grew confused, she follows his stare to see he had been looking into the mirror.

"Can you give us a moment?" Hope politely asks Mason.

Mason nods. "Y-yeah. Sure," he says before walking off.

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