37.| ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɴᴇꜰᴀᴄᴛᴏʀ [1]

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37. the benefactor.

BEING LIED TO IS something Hope and Liam never took well

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BEING LIED TO IS something Hope and Liam never took well. But when they heard the truth from Rebekah and Oliver, well it all felt relieving rather than angering. Sure, they were pissed their memories of one another had been erased, but the reasoning was fine.

It's been about a week since Liam and Hope both returned from New Orleans. And since then a lot has gone down. Truth be told, she hasn't been around the boys in a very long time. She's been feeling too weak, even with the power dampening bracelet being removed. But randomly she got a text from Scott begging her to meet him at his house.

So, Hope now being there, allowed herself inside the boy's home. "Scott?" she calls out. She hears mumbled shouting coming from upstairs. She follows the noise which leads her to the bathroom.

And like every horror film, she walks to the bathtub and opens the curtain.

"Liam!?" She exclaims, slightly confused.

Liam had been sitting in the bathtub taped up. His mouth was taped shut, his hands were taped together.

"Hope!" Both Stiles and Scott appear scaring the shit out of the girl.

Hope's eyes flicker from Liam to the two best friends standing before her. "What the hell is going on? Why is he taped up like that?" she reaches into the tub and pulls him out so that he was standing— barely, beside her.

Scott huffs. "Long story?"

"Alright let's go." Stiles pulls Liam by the arm and leads the group to Scott's room. He then sits Liam down in a chair. "Liam, we're going to take the tape off your mouth, if you scream it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays on, got it?"

Liam looks over at Hope who just sat there quietly. He simply nods.

"Okay..." Stiles inhales sharply before ripping the tape off his mouth.

Liam grunts out in pain. He was shaking and angry.

"Okay Liam, you've seen a lot of confusing things and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight, do you understand?" Stiles questions.

Everyone in the room gives Stiles a look of confusion. No one understood.

"Not really..." Liam sighs, shaking his head.

Stiles nods. "Good that's good—"

"I don't understand either," Hope says.

"Same." Scott agrees.

Stiles makes a face, sighing. "You know what? Maybe you should tell him—"

"Tell me what?"

Scott clears his throat. "Liam, what happened to you, what I did to you. What I had to do in order to save you—It's going to change you."

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