40.| ᴏʀᴘʜᴀɴᴇᴅ [2]

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40. orphaned.

HOPE'S LOCATOR SPELL DIDN'T exactly give them the full direction of where to go

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HOPE'S LOCATOR SPELL DIDN'T exactly give them the full direction of where to go. In fact, they only had a third of the location. But Chris seemed to have known where to go when he saw that the way they had been traveling was familiar. So in the end, the two ended up at a factory.

Before they walked in, Hope groans as she held onto her stomach. Where she had been stabbed had been extremely sensitive.

"Are you okay?" Chris questions, holding her up by the shoulders.

Hope weakly nods. "Y-yeah I'm fine. Uh, let's go finish this." she gains her stance and she stands up.

With that, they both made their way into the building. The entire room almost had been covered with some type of plastic. It was pretty sketchy looking.

"You shouldn't have come." A voice echo.

"I'm here for Violet. I need to talk to her." Hope tells the woman who she assumes was Kate.

Both she and Chris continued to walk around the building in caution. Preparing for a surprise attack thrown by Kate and her Berserkers.

"You must be the Tribrid," Kate says. "I knew you'd find me. But... I was hoping we could do this later. I just needed a little more time."

"For what?" Chris snarks as he aims the gun at the shadow of both her and the Berserkers.

They both come to a stop, waiting for Kate to make the next move.

"To learn control." Kate comes out of hiding, she slowly walks towards them. "Lower the gun. We walk away. And you don't have to get hurt."

Hope eyes, Kate intensely, all she cared for was finding Violet so she could get Liam back. "Where's Violet?"

"Put the gun down, Chris." Kate warns the man, ignoring Hope's question completely.

"Where is she?" Hope looks over at Chris to see his finger was hovering over the trigger. She sees Kate and the Berserkers readying themself for battle. And before she knew Chris had already been shooting and the Berserkers had already been doing their damage.

Hope was in no shape to fight, so whenever she tried raising a fist she was only thrown through walls. As she was recovering, another Berserker comes charging her way, it lifts her from the ground and throws her as if she had been some toy ball. Hope goes flying through walls.

She lands into a room and the scent of blood catches her attention. She looks up and that's when she lost all Hope. There Violet's body had been. She was tied to a chair, a puddle of blood surrounding her. Violet was dead. And if Violet was dead that only meant Liam was next.

"No, no, no." Hope runs over to the body, shaking it, just praying she'll just magically revive herself. "No, please, please wake up!"

"Hope..." Chris groans as he walks into the room where the Tribrid had been. He sees the body and sees Hope's teary eyes. "I'm sorry..."

Hope's jaw clenches. "I- I'm not gonna find him. I-I promised that I'd keep him safe and I can't even do that right."

"There's still time, Hope," Chris reassures her.

Hope shakes her head. "I can't fight Garrett, I'm not strong enough to do that right now. I can't even pick up a damn brick!" she huffs.

Chris sighs. "Stop putting this pressure on yourself."

"I just— I don't know what to do." Hope mumbles.

Just as Chris was about to speak, Hope heard a loud roar/shout from distance. It sounded by far too familiar. That's when it hit her.


Hope does as she can to follow his screaming for help. As she was running, she was led into the woods.

As Hope had been chasing Liam, Stiles and Lydia had been doing some work of their own. All Lydia could think of was how their recent encounter with Meredith didn't go well.

"The only other Banshee I've ever met. And I think I might have just driven her over the edge." Lydia says with a frown.

Stiles sighs, shaking his head. "Lydia, it wasn't your fault. I was there, too. And you're probably not the only... Hold on. Banshees predict death. Right? So what if the third key is someone who isn't dead..."

"But will be." Lydia shuts her eyes, she tries to concentrate, allowing her mind to take over and type in the keyword. She typed a name. It was one word. Four letters. No space. Lydia's eyes open as she hears Stiles gasp.

It was Hope.

Hope's name was the keyword.

"You need to call Hope, call her right now," Lydia tells Stiles as she unlocks the newest list. She then sees Meredith's name with the number three beside it. Her eyes then travel down the screen only to see that Hope's value had been even higher than before.

Both Lydia and Stiles share a look of worth. Stiles tried dialing in Hope's number but it went straight to voicemail which made them both even more worried.

But Hope had been okay, in fact right now she was even more than okay. She felt relieved and happy.

"You're safe... you're safe," Hope tells Liam as she pulls him into a hug. "You're okay..."

Liam held onto Hope tightly, he was cold, scared. He didn't think he'd make it out. Just as Hope had: he was losing Hope as well.

"Let's go... let's get out of here." Hope pulls away as she leads him to Deaton where he had been healing Liam. "I can't keep watching people die... or worrying that the people I love might die next." she sighs.

Chris lightly chuckles. "I'm not sure you have much choice about that."

"What if I do?"

"That would be a lot of burden to carry, Hope."

"I don't care." Hope shrugs. "No one else dies. Everyone on that list. Everyone on that Dead Pool. It doesn't matter if they're wendigos, or werewolves, or whatever. I'm gonna save everyone. I have to." she glances down at Liam who had his eyes shut. "I have to..." she repeats.

Hope would do whatever she had to do to keep the people she cared for safe. Her entire life she felt as if everywhere she went death followed. She couldn't be worried like that anymore. She was scared to wake up knowing any second someone she loved could drop dead.

Selfishly she just didn't want to experience that pain ever again.

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