46.| ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ [1]

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46. creatures of the night.

IT'S BEEN OVER SIX months since the group's trip to Mexico

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IT'S BEEN OVER SIX months since the group's trip to Mexico. Since they've put rescued, Scott and Kira. Since they've put Peter away. And not just that, but since Hope had her episode that night. The group worried for Hope, she hadn't spoken about that night since. She's been super quiet and distant.

She wasn't herself.

Hope noticed it too. But she wasn't exactly sure why she had been acting the way she had. Her nightmares of those doctor-looking figures got more intense each night. At one point she swore she saw them as she had been getting ready for school.

Every now and then Hope would talk to Liam, just to check up on him.

Truth be told, Derek had been the only one she was with the majority of her time. Only because he was worried she'd snap as she did before. And he wanted to be there for her in case it happened again.

So, she's been staying with him.

The Tribrid's powers returned about a few nights after her fight with Peter. Maybe she just needed that adrenaline rush of a fight to bring herself back to her full potential. Because in no time, she was back to normal.

Except now she was at her full power. There was no stopping her. She was too strong for her own good. She no longer held herself back. She embraced herself. She was the world's first and only Tribrid.

There was no more hiding that.

"Hands up, fight with your hands, not with your powers," Derek tells Hope.

Oh right, from time to time Hope would go out of state to visit Derek and see how he had been holding up. Also, every time she visited, they also had a small sparing session.

Hope throws a punch at Derek which he catches, he smirks at her. Hope smirks as well, she uses her other unoccupied hand to grab his arm which had ahold on her. She digs into his skin, twisting his arm back causing her to let go.

Derek groans out in pain, stumbling back as he held onto his arm.

Hope then jumps onto the table, and jumps off punching Derek with full force causing him to go flying into the wall.

"Oh— shit was that too hard?" Hope snaps out of her thoughts and runs over to him. She helps Derek up from the ground. "Sorry."

Derek chuckles lightly. "It's okay... you're getting stronger. I'm impressed."

"I learned from the best." She smiles.

Derek clears his throat. "So... don't you think it's time to head back to Beacon Hills?"

Hope glances at him, brows furrowed. "Are you kicking me out?"

"Yeah. I am." Derek snorts. "Your friends miss you. And as much as I enjoy having you around, we both have lives to attend to."

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