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911 25 7

52. i thought you'd be happier to see me.

STILL AT THE BAR: the two Mikaelson's sat beside each other chatting

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STILL AT THE BAR: the two Mikaelson's sat beside each other chatting. Hope and Liam were both still cautious around one another, afraid that at any moment the other person would betray them in some way. Liam knew he was taking a huge risk being around Hope in the state that she had been in, but he needed her to know that no matter the circumstances, he'd always have her back.

He had a plan. And it wasn't to just sit around and drink as they brought up old memories. There was more to it. He needed to gain the Tribrid's trust and he needed to find her humanity.

"Aren't you going to finish the rest of your drink?" Hope questions, her eyes glued to the boy's cup which was practically untouched.

Liam snorts. He points behind her to a mountain of bottles that they went through. "That pile over there says i've had enough." he laughs.

Hope turns around, laughing as well. "Yeah, you're right, maybe you should slow down." it goes silent for a moment. The Tribrid glances at the boy with narrowed eyes. "Why aren't you scared of me? Why are you here?"

"Well... for starters, I am scared of you," Liam admits. "But I also... grew up with you. Which is why I know that you don't want to hurt anyone. You don't want any of this."

Hope stays silent which surprised the boy.

"Hope, this isn't you and you know it." Liam continues to speak softly. "Hope, whatever Theo is telling you... it isn't true. He wants you to turn against us, all of us. You're being manipulated. We aren't your enemies— I'm not your enemy. I can't speak on behalf of everyone else when it comes to being frightened of you— but what I can say is we all miss you."

By the look on Hope's face, the words which he had been saying were getting to her. She was fighting, she wanted to turn it on. But she couldn't face reality. She just wasn't ready to.

"Hope... fight it. Turn it on and come back home with me." Liam pleads, holding out a hand.

Hope glances down at his hand and for a split second, she was almost certain that she'd take it.

"It's getting late, you should go home." Hope mumbles. She stands from her seat and walks over to the sink where she rinses off her hands from the victim's bodies.

Liam inhales sharply, he stands as well. "You're better than this. You're stronger than this. Turning off your humanity wasn't even your choice. You said it yourself. The dread doctors forced you to do this."

"And it was honestly the best choice i've ever made."Hope replies, her back still facing him.

"You're out of your mind if you think that." Liam huffs.

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