47.| ᴘᴀʀᴀꜱᴏᴍɴɪᴀ [1]

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47. parasomnia.

AS ANYONE COULD GUESS there wasn't much sleep for Hope recently

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AS ANYONE COULD GUESS there wasn't much sleep for Hope recently. The dreams intensified. It was like Parasomnia just somehow ten times worse for the Tribrid. She caught herself waking herself up as she ran outside. Sometimes even close to performing spells. In order to fight the sleep, she did what any other supernatural would do.

Take it out on a punching bag and in the gym. So that's where Hope had been most of her time if she wasn't sparing with Derek. And now that Derek practically kicked her out, Hope was just in the gym 24/7.

"You're worse than how I was when I first turned."

Hope turns around panting, her eyes falling on the doorway where she sees Liam.

"How was your getaway?"

"It was okay..." Hope begins to unwrap the cloth around her hand. "How's the control?"

"It's uh... good." Liam nods. "I'm still struggling a little but... I'll get the hang of it." he sees that Hope stayed silent and continued to gather her things. "I uh— are you okay?"

Hope's brows furrowed. "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

Liam shakes his head. "Nothing it's just... I don't know it feels like you're hiding something."

"I'm not hiding anything."


Hope sighs. "Well... I have to go to class. I'll see you later." she says.

Truth be told Hope just left to get some time alone, but she didn't always get what she wanted. Because that's when she bumped into Stiles who continued to tell her how sketchy Theo was and how he might've run a background check on him.

Hope rolls her eyes. "Stiles, I get why you're worried. I do. And honestly, he's really hot, and he's got great hair and a perfect body... but he's also like really small and also a beta. I don't think he's much trouble." she laughs. "And even if he was, you know I can take him down."

"I have a plan that involves steps. I- I just need someone to have my back so Hope— please." Stiles says with a low town.

Hope nods. "Okay. If you don't trust him, then I don't trust him. But— that doesn't mean I'll be acting like a dick. In the end, if you happen to be wrong about this all then he's definitely going to have a motive for wanting to kill us all if as an Alpha— I'm being a dick."

"Okay, fine. Do whatever you have to do." Stiles looks behind Hope.

Hope follows his gaze which lands on Theo who waves at the two, smiling.

"This is who you're suspicious of?" Hope questions as she waves back.

Stiles rolls his eyes. "I just— I remember Theo from fourth grade, okay? And that's not Theo."

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