58.| ʜᴏᴘᴇ'ꜱ ᴅɪꜱᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ [2]

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58. hope's disappearance.

FOLLOWING THE GPS WHICH led the two boys on a very long road trip

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FOLLOWING THE GPS WHICH led the two boys on a very long road trip. The destination that Lucifer had given his son led them all the way to Washington. What was Hope doing there? Who knew. But what they did know was that they— Lucas had been driving for the last ten hours and had been growing annoyed.

Stiles yawns from the passenger seat.

Lucas glances over at him, rolling his eyes. "Oh, all this driving must've made you tired." he sarcastically says.

"And hungry," Stiles adds. Clearly, he didn't catch the sarcasm in the Nephilim's voice.

Lucas rolls his eyes but chooses to stay silent.

"Can we stop and get food?" Stiles questions, he had been looking out the window like a little kid. He then points at a diner which was straight up ahead. "Look we can eat there."

"No, we don't have time to stop—"

"Oh, come on. This is like a three-day car ride. We need to stop, eat, and sleep."

"If I say yes will you shut up?"

Stiles makes a face yet nods.

Pressing on the brake aggressively, Lucas makes a quick turn and drives into the parking lot of the diner. He quickly parks the car and both the boy's exit the vehicle before walking inside.

Once they walked in they took a seat and Stiles was quick to grab a menu. Lucas on the other hand decided to use his side of the booth as a bed where he had now been lying down.

"Dude, are you not going to eat?"


Stiles shrugs. "Your lost."

Shortly, a waiter came up to the two boys' table. "Hi I'm, Nessa, I'll be your server today." she takes a look at Lucas with furrowed brows. "Is he okay?"

Stiles nods, his lips forming a tight smile. "Yeah, yeah. He's just uh... going through a hard time right now." he leans closer to the waiter. "He's going through a breakup, his girlfriend just left him," he whispers.

"Dick." Lucas mumbles, he sits up from the booth and looks up at the waiter. "Just ig— Brooklyn?" he says in shock. "What the... what are you doing here?"

"You know her?" Stiles says growing confused. "I thought your name was Nessa?"

Brooklyn places the notepad down. She inhales deeply. "I came to check up on you."

Lucas' brows furrow, he awkwardly chuckles. "You disappeared for like almost a year and now you want to checkup? Where have you even been? How'd you even know where I was?"

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