41.| ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴɪᴢᴇᴅ [1]

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41. weaponized.

IT MAY BE HARD to believe, but even with everything that's going on right now, the last place Hope wanted to be was at school

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IT MAY BE HARD to believe, but even with everything that's going on right now, the last place Hope wanted to be was at school. At first, it was fun being in a normal human school, but boy she grew tired of obnoxious teenage boys.

But luckily back in Mystic Falls they had been all ahead of PSAT's and SATs. All tests in general truth be told. But Malia begged her to retake it, so, Hope compelled the testing teachers to allow her into the room.

They walk into the classroom and prepare for the rest. Lydia's mother had been one of the teachers monitoring the students who had been testing. The other teacher was supposed to be coach but apparently, Ms.Martin wasn't able to find him or come in contact with him.

After about five minutes Simon announces the students were able to start the testing. The students had now been about fifteen minutes into testing, all had been going well until there was a loud thud.

All students turn to see that one of the students, known as Sydney randomly dropped.

"Sydney! Are you all right?" Ms. Martin exclaims as she helps her from the ground.

Sydney nods. "I'm okay. I just got kind of dizzy."

Ms. Martin grabs her arm, inspecting her wrist closely. "Sydney, how long have you had this"

Sydney shrugs. "I- I don't know."

"Ms. Martin, do I need to stop the test?"

Ms.Martin walks away from Sydney awkwardly. "No, um, it's fine. Everybody stay in your seats. I'll, um, be back in a minute. Nobody leaves the room." she says right before walking out.

Both Hope and Scott exchange a confused look. It went quiet, but that was promptly interrupted when they heard Ms. Martin yelling in the halls telling someone to get back.

All the students in the class run out to see what had been going on. They see Ms. Martin locking the school doors she then looks back at the students.

"Back to your seats. Now."

Everyone runs back into the room, Hope was last to walk in. She felt herself getting light-headed but she brushes it off and closes the door behind her.

Within minutes, the school was flooded with men in orange hazard suits. Apparently, there was some disease going around. Hope and Scott had both been with Ms. Martin and Sydney outside in one of the tents.

"I need you two to help isolate the sick and then we wait for instructions." The woman tells the two teens before her. "If I'm wrong, they'll be out of here pretty quickly, and then I'm the crazy biology teacher who panicked for nothing." she jokes as she walks out of the tent.

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