38.| ɪ.ᴇ.ᴅ. [1]

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38. i.e.d.

AFTER THE NIGHT OF Liam's turn, both he and Hope spent some quality family time together

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AFTER THE NIGHT OF Liam's turn, both he and Hope spent some quality family time together. Since the visions started Hope felt the sudden urge to care for the boy. She hardly remembered the things that they went through, but she knew that they were pretty close. And Hope was in need of a bond like that.

While she was busy hanging with Liam, she also had been focused on gaining energy and her powers back. She's felt extremely weak to even perform the most simplest spells. And aside from her witchy side being weird, as for the hybrid side. It felt as if it wasn't even there.

The bracelet that Michael was powerful enough to extract all remaining magic.

And part of Hope was worried she'd never get it back. Something told her that things were going to get rough and that scared her.

But here came the even scarier part; there was a Deadpool going around of all supernatural beings in Beacon Hills. Everyone was worth a different price and whoever killed that specific being— they were rewarded with a great amount of money.

So yeah, a lot was going on.

"You're right, Hope. He is angry." Derek calls out, snapping the Tribrid out of her thoughts.

Hope walks into the boy's locker room to see Liam glaring at her. She looks down to see a broken lacrosse stick, then looks back up. "Get to class Liam."

"But my—"


Liam huffs, he walks past Hope with his head down. Hope watches the boy walk away before she looks up at Derek who had been smiling.

"What's got you all cheery?"

Derek shakes his head, still smiling. "You're pretty good at this."

"Good at what?"

"Control. Being a leader." He explains. "Hope this pack— it's yours. Liam's not just your family, but he's also your beta."

"It's not my pack, it's Scott's."

"You're the Alpha, Hope. We all know it. You got this." Derek ruffles up Hope's hair before walking out of the locker room.

Hope silently sits there, the bell rings and a group of boys runs into the locker room.

"Mikaelson! What the hell are you doing here?" Coach shouts, slightly confused.

Hope stands from the bench, she clears her throat. "I uh— sorry- sorry coach. I was..." she pauses. "Trying to find you so I could ask to try out for the team!"

She lied.

"Tryouts were yesterday."

"I know— sorry. Uh, I was busy." Hope looks down at her phone. "Wow, would you look at the time? I've gotta get to class. See you later coach!" she says as she runs off.

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