57.| ʜᴏᴘᴇ'ꜱ ᴅɪꜱᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ [1]

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57. hope's disappearance.
HER. ❞

IT HAS BEEN OVER four months since the disappearance of Hope Andrea Mikaelson

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IT HAS BEEN OVER four months since the disappearance of Hope Andrea Mikaelson. No one has heard from the Tribrid since the night she left the note. The pack has tried tracking her down in several different ways but she made it very clear that she didn't want to be found. Truth be told, no one was doing so bright without her. Liam and Hayden took it upon themselves to try out a relationship.

Scott and Malia also doing the same. Lydia kept herself occupied with school and Stiles... he was still looking for a distraction.

"Stiles, hey, go to bed. You've been up for hours." Sheriff Stilinski says as he enters the boy's room.

Stiles rests his chin on his palms as he scribbled away in his notebook. "Just one-second dad, I'm doing something."

The man sighs, he walks over towards his son, he looks on the desk and sees torn out paper with ancient spells on them.


"I know, I know. Just, I can't give up on her."

"She decided to leave."

"She's alone, dad."

"We don't know that."

Stiles huffs. "Alone or not, I have to keep trying. I mean none of you are."

"She isn't a missing child, we can't exactly search for someone who doesn't want to be found."

The boy chooses not to reply. He continues scribbling swag, jotting spells down that he could either get a witch to perform or ask Lucas himself to help out.

"He won't help."

Stiles glances up at his father slightly confused.

Sheriff Stilinski gives him a knowing look. "Lucas. He won't help. Hope took all he had left, it isn't right if you ask him for help."

"What choice do I have?"

"Let her go." He tells him as if it wasn't the most obvious thing. He walks out of his son's room and shuts the door behind him.

"I'm not letting her go," Stiles mumbles. He slams his pencil on the desk. "I can't."

As expected, the rest of the night ended with Stiles staying up doing his research on spells which he could find Hope with. And as expected, his father was right. Lucas was indeed no help. Lucas sent the boy to voicemail over twenty times and no one else in the school bothered to help or answer their phones.

Which brought him to taking an early trip over to Mystic Falls and harassing Lucas in person. That didn't seem like it would end well.

Stiles knocks on the door about three times. There was no answer. He gives it another three knocks and still, there had been no answer.

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