Your Love

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You both entered the bedroom, feeling a whirlwind of emotions after the previous days. The door slammed behind you, finally giving you both the privacy you had craved.

Whilst Levi was practically throwing his fatigued body onto the bed, you laid down beside him: tracing your finger along the outline of his face. His nose; his lips; his forehead; he sighed with relaxation.

You admired the Captain's pretty face beneath the moonlight, you felt your body weaken.

Levi turned his cheek, nestling his face into your hand.

"I love you." Your partner murmured once more, now quieter.

You placed an innocent kiss on the tip of Levi's nose, earning an unfamiliar and genuine smile. You then placed a soft kiss on his cheekbone, inhaling the natural perfume of his body. Levi placed his finger on your chin, tilting your face down to softly kiss your lips.

Levi's kiss was gentle, his fingers lingered against your cheek to pull you closer against him. Your heart was beating rapidly against your ribs as your hands trickled to his muscular shoulders.

Levi's lips always tasted sweet: you savoured the taste as you kissed him, feeling the tip of his tongue trace against yours.

Levi's left hand firmly held onto the back of your neck, pulling your body against his. With his index finger, he traced patterns on your back: drawing in circular motions. His lips deepened into yours: your kiss intensifying.

You were pleasantly surprised by the softness: how slow his kiss was, and how carefully he handled your body. His movements were delicate, as if you were an expensive jewel that he couldn't risk breaking.

Levi's thumb traced down against your chin, nudging down to part your lips for him to deepen into the kiss; his tongue slowly traced patterns against yours.

You never knew how badly you'd craved another persons touch until you had met Levi; you never knew how good a persons lips could taste.

You parted your lips from eachover, instantly inhaling a breath of fresh air; still holding eachover closely.

Levi's expression was still stained with genuine surprise, struggling to register what had just occurred in the last twenty-four hours. He murmured your name beneath his minty-fresh breath: his voice coming out as a hushed whisper.

"Yes, Captain?"

Levi, his silver eyes fluttering closed as he deepened his lips into the passionate kiss, "I'm yours." His voice now exuded as a groan, beginning to ride his muscular thigh in between yours, "I belong to you, and only you. Tell me I'm yours."

You pecked his lips once more: "You're mine, Levi. And I'm yours, too."

You placed your hand against Levi's thigh in response, squeezing his muscle as you heard him breathe in sharply.

"After today, I don't want to waste another second that we have together." He exhaled through his nose, his eyes squinting with desperation: "Please... touch me."

With the edge of your lip curling up into a daring smile, you pulled yourself onto your knees, placing your hands against his thighs to edge them apart. You slowly traced your fingers over his thigh before feeling your palm reach the large bulge beneath his Scouting uniform. You massaged his cock with your hand, slowly touching him through the fabric as Levi bit down onto his lower lip.

Levi Ackerman glanced down at you on your knees in front of him, placing his hand on the top of your head; he entwined your fingers with the roots of your hair, comfortingly massaging your scalp.

Your fingers wrapped around the elastic of his ebony uniform-trousers as you began to slowly edge them down, the outline of his thick cock now visible through his boxers. His bulge was large, his cock already hard and twitching: his body anticipating your touch.

You giggled under your breath, running your finger along his bulge: "Eager, aren't you?" You murmured softly, clipping your index finger around his boxers to pull them down.

His large cock sprung up at you as you placed your finger on the tip. You ran your finger down, tracing it against a vein as Levi's body flinched at your touch.

"Fuck-.." He hoarsely whispered beneath his breath.

You caressed his length with just your finger again, running it up-and-down at a slow pace: "I've barely even touched you and you're.. so hard." You breathily spoke as he felt your hot breaths against his member.

Levi swallowed, "You know what you're doing to me.. don't you, Y/N?" He smirked subtly, shaking his head, "Hell- of course you do."

You placed a kiss against the tip of Levi's cock. Your lips ran down his large member, leaving a trail of soft kisses on his sensitive skin. You earned a small, breathy groan from him as his neck arched back slightly.

You wrapped your lips around his tip, your tongue painting patterns on the head as you began to slide your hand up and down on his long, thick cock. His taste filled your tongue as you felt your mouth salivate.

You swirled your tongue, bopping your head; your hand gripping his length and pumping in a swift motion.

You looked up through your lashes to see his pretty face. The Captain's teeth were clamped together, with his lips pressed tightly shut; he whimpered quietly as you felt his dick pulsate.

"Mn-.." He moaned raspily, his hips and thighs twitching with pleasure as he struggled to not finish then and there, wanting to prolong the moment for ad long as possible: "Just like that, baby. Just. Like. That."

You kept a consistent pace, your only focus being on him.

His grip of your hair increased, a whimper leaving his soft lips. He used his tongue to wetten his lips, his thighs beginning to clench.

"I love you; I love you, Y/N, so much." He kept repeating himself with moans, before finally uttering: "I'm so close."

You were enamoured by him: completely. You craved nothing but his taste as Levi told you that he was about to finish.

Levi, gripping hold of your H/C hair, pushed your face against his cock: he whimpered one last time. His hard shaft came inside of your mouth as you felt his liquid drip over your tongue and down your throat. You swallowed your boyfriend's cum. Twice.

His flushed face struggled to speak, barely able to communicate the pleasure he was feeling.

After kissing his lips lightly once more, and helping him get cleaned up in an innocent moment of aftercare, you both had the best sleep that either of you had for years.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now