The Day You Left Me, Two

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One Day Ago ;

Levi and Hange rode at the break of dawn, tiredly making their way to their destination.

Levi let out a comforted sigh, remembering how peaceful you looked that same morning; waking up with you in his arms, your head nuzzled into his chest as you breathed against his neck, your arms tightly wrapped around his waist as he struggled to get free of you..

Levi's lips weakly curled up into a smile, his hands tightening around the reigns of his dark grey horse as he shook his head, running his fingers through his hair.

Hange kicked his leg lightly to get his attention, a yawn leaving their lips, "I'm so tired: it's too early for this mission."

"It was your idea to come out this early."

"Just because it's the smartest time does not mean that I'm not allowed to complain.." They answered back quickly, "What're you thinking about, anyway? You seem distracted."

Levi raised both eyebrows, easing his expression which Hange immediately caught on, knowing it meant 'you'.

Hange shook their head with a smile, parting their lips to speak, "Ah, so Y/N?"

Levi copied their expression, "Mhm. You guessed it."

Hange's smile only grew as their body relaxed, hands loosening around the reigns, "You sure care about her, don't you? She's all you talk about most of the time.. not that I mind or anything. It's nice hearing you not so glum."

Levi scoffed sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "Glum? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm sure she's worried about you right now, right? This is a pretty big mission."

Levi's eyes widened before he averted his pupils, clicking his tongue, "Erm-.. Actually, no. I haven't told her about it at all."

Hange gave him a disgusted look, kicking him once again, this time harder, "Levi.. You didn't tell your own girlfriend that you'd be leaving on this mission?"

Levi shushed them, "Shut your mouth, Hange.. someone might hear. You and Onyankopon are still the only ones who know about us.."

Hange's expression softened with a cold sigh, shaking their head as they adjusted the goggles on the crook of their hooked nose, "Why wouldn't you tell her? She'll be worried sick when she finds out.."

"And that's exactly why she's not going to find out." Levi condescendingly responded, "Listen: I know her. Well enough that I know that if I'd have told her it would've made her anxiety worse throughout the day. I don't want a repeat of a few months ago, okay?" He explained, recalling your panic attack a few months ago, "As you said, I care about her. More than anyone. I don't want her going through that again, especially because of me."

Hange nodded weakly, "Yeah, I understand. I don't agree, but I understand."

Present ;

"Levi! Levi, get back here!" Hange yelled, just a few meters behind Levi on their horse as Levi looked over his shoulder at them, still sprinting fastly.

Hange pulled their body from their horse, latching their fingers around the cuff of Levi's dark-green cape as he was pulled back, collapsing backwards into their arms.

He glared at them intensely as Hange glared at the crimson in his eyes, his shaking expression, "Hange.. you better get the fuck off of me!" He threatened, attempting to throw them but being unable as Hange's arms latched around his, bounding him to them, "Hange!"

Hange gritted their teeth, trying to hide their emotions as they heard the roaring of titans in the background.
"Levi, please!" They pleaded as tears began to flood from his eyes, gasps leaving his lips, "Levi! Le-..!"

They paused.

Levi began to feel their arms loosening around him as Levi ran a few steps forward, before his eyes glistened towards your body.

Steam was withering away from your Titan.

But your body was stiff and still. Parts of your body that weren't even wounded were deteriorating before his eyes, smoke getting whisked away by the wind.

His body collapsed.

Your arm was no longer reaching for help, it was withering away piece-by-piece.

The only time Levi had ever seen that done to a titan was when the titan was deceased.

He was.. too late.

Too late to save your life; too late to reach your body and pull you away from the titans attacking you; too late to see your face; your eyes; your smile; to hear your laugh.

His knees collapsed onto the sandy floor, his eyes widened as he felt more tears leave his eyes.
"N-.. No..!" He finally let out a cry, his shaking body finding it difficult to sit up as he watched your body slowly became nothing, the titans all dispersing in the opposite direction, "Please God.. n-no!"

His lungs refused to take in full breaths: the world around him began to slowly crash down.

His forehead rested on the floor, eyes unable to close as his chest began to dangerously move up and down.

His heart throbbed.

"You're not gone; you're not gone. Y/N.. you're not gone, please..!" He mumbled as tears made the sand turn wet, his body shaking as Hange stood still in the far distance, "Please Y/N Yaeger.. you can't be gone!"

Shivers consumed each muscle in his body as he found his throat tighten to the point where he couldn't breath.

He couldn't see two feet infront of him; he couldn't even hear his own thoughts; his mind refused to process what was happening.

Hange slowly walked forward, their hands clasping around Levi's shoulders, knowing that he didn't have the time to grieve in such a dangerous area.

"Levi.." They mumbled, trying to help him up but finding it impossible as he collapsed to the ground once again, "Levi.. please. Come on."

He aggressively shook off their touch as Hange's face became paralysed at the sight of his silver tears.
Levi's head slowly raised, the sun highlighting the tears in his face as his heart raced rapidly under his shirt.

He shook his head at his friend, feeling Hange's arms slowly wrap around his shoulders, Levi unable to stop the tears that were flowing from his eyes.

He choked.

Hange's grip tightened around his shoulders, readying their blades as they saw one of the titans attacking you finally realise that there were two humans about 500 feet away.

"Please.." Hange whispered, still unable to earn a response from the Captain, "Please, Levi."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now