'First Date'

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A few hours passed you both in a heart beat.

He blew out the candles in his office, walking you back to your bedroom despite you saying 'It's only a five minute walk. I can walk back on my own' multiple times to him.

Your body pressed against the wall behind you, your fingers already latched around the doorknob to your bedroom as Levi's eyes stared straight at you.

"This is my stop.." You whispered under your breath, disappointed that the night had flew by you both so quickly - you wanted to spend more time with him, "I suppose this is it."

He nodded, "I suppose it is." He shook his head, unable to wipe off his smile.

Your head cocked, "What is it? You're smiling a lot.."

Levi's head perked up, his eyes glued to yours, "Nothing special. I'm just-.. quite happy right now, and that feels strange."

You looked off to the side with bashful eyes, feeling your cheeks begin to burn, "I suppose I'm pretty happy too.."

His smile only grew larger at your words, "I'm glad that I'm not alone in that feeling."

You bashfully looked to the ground, "I.. really enjoyed tonight." You admitted to him as a small smile grew on his lips, "It was nice. I enjoy spending time with you - whether the date was real or fake."

His slender fingers entwined with yours one by one: you could feel the softness of his cold hands against yours, chills going up your spine as his piercing eyes stayed locked onto yours.

He swallowed, "I guess-.." He bashfully looked to the ground, too embarrassed with his own racing heart to look you in the eye, "I guess I.. like spending time with you as well." His fingers ran over the back of his head, gliding through his hair, "I think you're okay."

You scoffed, "Just okay?"

"Take it as a compliment.." His tone grew a little sterner, "Most people don't even get a bearable. You should be grateful that you managed to get an okay from me."

You smiled, holding onto his fingers a little tighter as he looked up at you dreamily, "Okay.. I'm grateful, don't worry.." You laughed under your breath at his coldness.

His eyes looked straight into yours, staring lazily into the colour and shades as you parted your lips.

His eyes stared deeply onto yours.

He leaned a little closer to you, you could feel his breaths against your lips, his eyes half open. His fingers ran to your hips, one of his palms guiding your waist closer to his.

Your heart raced, lowering your chin with dreamy eyes.


"Are you.. about to kiss me?" You asked your Captain.

He smirked to himself, tilting your chin to look at him, "Is it not appropriate to kiss you on our first date, Y/N?"

You watched as Levi took a step forward, his hands staying firmly against your hips as he slowly pushed you against your bedroom door. He stayed still for a few moments, feeling the heat of your body against him; his cologne filled your nose as your S/C eyes gazed at him dreamily.

He pushed you further back before leaning in, his silver eyes closing before you felt his soft lips melt into yours.

His kiss was lazy yet meaningful, his lips loosely kissing yours with slow movements. You drowned in his warmth, taking in the addicting taste of his tongue as he placed his index and thumb against your chin, gently forcing your mouth open.

His hands returned to your body as you felt him briefly rock his hips against yours.

Your hands slowly traced up his chest, feeling his muscles against your fingertips as he deepened into the kiss. Your fingers traced the back of his neck, running through his soft, ebony hair.

Levi slowly detached his lips, leaving you craving more.

Your eyes stayed closed, a sigh falling from your lips as you stayed holding Levi's figure close to yours.

His fingers tightened around your hips and waist before completely letting go, carelessly turning his shoulder.

You needed him; so badly. So much that it physically ached you that he wasn't yours..

"I'll see you around, Yaeger." Levi broodingly spoke, before finally leaving the hallway.

Your back pressed against the wall, your eyes closing to press your index finger to your lips.
"I.. love you, Levi." You whispered to yourself carelessly as he became just out reach, "I really love you."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now