Pieck Finger

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Three Days Later,

Your hand stayed tightly clasped around Hange's, your head against their shoulder with their head on yours.

Levi could barely face you.

He was resting in your bedroom as you sat with Hange in their office, barely having left since three days ago. He couldn't bring himself to see you, and refused to tell you why: maybe it was because of your brother, you thought, or maybe it was because of the scars now covering his face.

Hange had told you to give him some space, and, seeing as they had known him the last ten years, you took their advice instead of your own.

They nudged you gently in the shoulder, "He's going to be okay, you know." They whispered softly, squeezing your hand, "He's strong: even stronger than you think."

"I know.. but still, I can't help but worry about him." You slowly exhaled through your nose, fidgeting aimlessly with your fingertips, "So, what happened whilst I was trying to look for him?" You asked them, trying to distract yourself.

Hange's head lowered.
"Many people left. Some stayed. Some died."

"Left? To.. join my brothers?"

They nodded with a soft sigh, tilting their glasses up to the crook of their nose, "Yelena. Niccolo-"

You gasped out loud, your eyes widening with both shock and betrayal, "Yelena?" You blurted out with a built up anger.

"Yelena." They slowly tilted their head to the side, "And both of your brothers have left too, obviously." They lowered their head, trying to change the subject, "Have you spoken with Pieck since they arrived? You never showed up at the fire pit.. not that I expected you to, I understand that you needed to rest."

You shrugged with a scoff, "To be honest, I can't bring myself to face her.. she's my best friend and I betrayed her. If she had done the same to me, I would-.. have you spoken to her?"

Hange moved their body as they roughly massaged your shoulders and back, feeling your muscles intense as you let out a sigh.

"Go talk to her. You need a distraction from-.. all of this. Your brothers, Levi.. Plus," They offered you a contagious yet gentle laugh, "I'm scared that if you spend the next few days only talking to me, you'll end up growing sick of me.. you haven't seen her in ten months, I bet you miss her, right?"

"I'll go," You awkwardly nodded to them, "But.. if anything happens, tell me, okay?"

Hange gently laughed as they saluted you sarcastically, "You've got it, Captain." They replied, before taking a step closer.

You wrapped your arms over their shoulders as they pulled you into a close embrace, a touch-starved feeling taking over you as you held Hange close to you.

No matter what, you could always count on Hange Zoë to lift your spirits.

"I'll see you later, Commander." You forced a weak smile as they waved you goodbye, before watching you leave the door to go speak to Pieck Finger.

You went to the shower room, deciding to go clean yourself up before reuniting with your closest friends: Reiner, Colt, Pieck, Porco..

You carefully washed your face and slipped on something comfortable, shutting the shower-room door with an anxiety filling your body over how they would react.

You entered the empty mess hall, your e/c eyes instantly lighting up at the sight of a tall blonde sat at the furthest bench, his eyes skimming over a newspaper as he tried to decipher each letter and symbol.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now