"I Wish I Could Hate You."

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You knocked on Levi's door in an obliviously irritating tune of a song, impatiently waiting for him to open it.

"What?" He grumbled from his bed, loud enough for you to hear.


His head suddenly perked up at the sound of your voice.

You looked to the side, remembering the time and the fact that you couldn't make too much noise, "Hey.." You whispered, your fingers tracing down his door, "So, about ea-"

The door suddenly opened, Levi stood on the other side with a hurried expression. His steel eyes looked you up and down, his lips twitching with a stiff look on his face as if he was plastering his own emotions.

"Y/-...N." He slightly stammered your name, pausing in the middle as his eyes averting up and down your body, disbelief in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth, stepping forward to check up and down the hallway before his fingers slipped around your wrist, pulling you into his bedroom before shutting the door behind you both.

His eyes awkwardly shifted around the room, his hand letting go of your wrist finger-by-finger.

You watched him shake his head as his normal coldness returned, his shock soon vanishing, "What are you doing here? It's late; you need to be in bed. Especially after the state you were in earlier."

"I feel fine now.." You awkwardly attempted to excuse.

He shook his head, a scoff leaving his lips, "No you don't. Don't even try to lie to me, I can see right through you."

Your back leant against the door behind you, your fingers against the back of your neck, "I was.. kind of worried about you, after what happened earlier."

His nose scrunched, his hips swaying as his arms folded over his chest, "Why would you be worrying about me?"

You swallowed, "When I yelled at you in the corridor." His eyes widened more with each word that slipped from your mouth, "I'm really sorry, it's been eating me up all day.."

Levi scoffed, turning around as his annoyed expression grew, his muscles tensing.
He sighed, "You really piss me the hell off.. you know that, right?" He hoarsely whispered under his breath, his muscular body facing the wall as you felt your heart slightly drop, your lungs suddenly feeling tighter.

"Huh- Why?"

He looked over his shoulder, his face holding an agitated expression towards you.

"Because you gave me a fucking heart attack earlier, and yet you were still worrying about me over something that doesn't even matter.." He shook his head, "You care about me too much.. it'll only cause you trouble; you need to stop relying on me as much as you do."

Your bottom lip twitched, "You make it sound like-.. Mmph." You stopped your sentence part way, not wanting to speak to the man infront of you.

"I make it sound like what?" He scrunched his nose dismissively, "Listen, if you want any sympathy from me, you're not going to get it."

"I wasn't looking for your sympathy." You grew more agitated.

"Then what do you want from me? It's late, and I don't have time to talk to you." He shrugged casually, a bitterness over his personality that seemed more cruel to you than usual.

You felt your lips curl into a frown, "Why are you being so mean to me right now?"

You could've sworn you could hear your heart slowly crack with every word and expression from the man you'd thought you were beginning to fall for.

His eyebrows twitched down, his lips parting to speak as he took a step closer to you, "Why am I being mean? Because-..." He paused, watching your lip twitch, your eyes looking more pained than angry.

Your eyes sadly locked onto his, "Onyankopon told me that you were worried about me earlier.."

"I didn't realise you'd spoken to him."

"Don't try and change the subject!" Your nose scrunched as he looked to the ground coldly, "I was worrying all fucking day that you thought less of me because I yelled at you this morning.." You began, "And this is how you talk to me? Like I'm some chore you want to get rid of?"

His silver eyes widened, his body taking a step forward, "You.. actually thought that I would think less of you because you yelled at me?"

"Well, apparently you do, seeing as the minute I stepped in here to apologise you'd gone all cold with me!" You began to raise your voice at him, confused and frustrated as he still coldly looked to the ground, "God-.. You're so confusing, Levi Ackerman. It's like one moment you're wanting to spend as much time with me as possible, and the next you're just being.. cruel."

You felt your legs wobble, your head suddenly feeling lighter just as it did yesterday. You placed your hand over your forehead, gritting your teeth before weakly sitting yourself on Levi's bed, struggling to think.

Your breaths turned slower, your skin feeling cold.

Levi's eyes widened, his body standing closer to you as he looked closely at your face: you swallowed tiredly.
He tilted your chin up, forcing you to look at him as he stood above you, his silver, dull eyes glancing down your face.

His hands were shaking - you could feel him tremble as his fingers glided across your jaw.

" 'careful or you'll pass out again." He pressed his fingers to your forehead as if he was checking for your temperature, before you quickly removed his hand away from you with disgust.

You grew more agitated as his eyes glared at you, refusing to look away.
"Why-.." You began, "-... do you have to be such a prick to me, Levi?" You looked up at him with tired eyes, his looking away with deny, "I don't care if you think this is good for me in any way.. it's not."

You wanted to hate him.

You desperately wanted to hate him.

You wanted to forget he ever existed.

But, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't bring yourself to..

You felt your eyes begin to sting, your teeth biting down together as you scrunched your fingers into fists.

Why did you have to care so much?

All you wanted was for him to like you back. Even just as a friend.

He sighed slowly, gesturing his hand out for you to take it as he helped you stand up.
"C'mon," He linked his arm with yours for stability, "I'll walk you back to Hange's room. It's getting late, and the Barracks aren't safe around this time of night."

You shook him off of you, "No." You turned to face him, his eyes slightly widening, "I can walk myself back just fine."

He swallowed, "Don't be an idiot, it's-"

However, before he could finish his sentence, you had already left: slamming the door behind you.

Levi stood still, his grey eyes wide and alert, his lip twitching downwards.

He turned his body, slowly pressing his back against the chip wallpaper of the wall as his body slowly ran down.

His silver eyes tightly closed, his hand running down his forehead and tracing his fingers down the crook of his nose and to his lips.

"Goddamn it.. Levi." He muttered to himself with tensed muscles, lowering his head to his knees, "God.. damn it."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now