Fairy Tale

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A Week Later ;

He watched you from across the Mess Hall, hearing your natural laugh as your back curled, your eyes lazily half closed.

You pushed Onyankopon away, giggling at something he had said as Levi felt his face ease.

Hange was trying to cooperate him in the latest news on each mission and plan, but he couldn't allow himself to concentrate when he thought you looked that pretty from across the room.

He looked down at his lap, curling his fingers together in the palm of his hands.

A sigh left his lips as he stood from the table: "Sorry Hange, I have more important issues to attend to."

Hange nodded, pressing their lips together as he dusted off his dark trousers, "Ah.. that's fine. Go knock yourself out, I guess.."

Levi tilted his head to the side without responding, beginning to leave the wooden table.

The Commander began to smirk, speaking aloud, "What are the odds of him walking straight to Y/N?" They asked themself, already knowing the answer, "Hmph.. one in two?"
They watched as he calmly placed his hand against your shoulder, snickering dismissively to themself.

"Hey, Levi." You gave him a calm smile as he pulled you to the side, dragging you away from the conversation you were apart of, "What do you need?"

He folded both arms over his chest, "Wear something nice tonight. I'm taking you out."

Your lips automatically curled up into a smile, your eyebrow raised as he placed either hand in his pockets, "Why? It's not some sort of anniversary, is it?" You asked with an awkward look.

He scoffed, "Eh- No."

"Then why are we going out?"

He scoffed once again, shaking his head, "Why does there need to be a reason? Is it so bad that your boyfriend wants to take you out for the night?"

You looked to the ground, hinting at a sudden bashfulness before remembering where you were, seeing both Yelena and Hange's eyes watch you both from afar as you shook away the butterflies.

"M'kay." You toothily grinned, "It's a date."

Your boyfriend gave you a simple nod, his silver eyes gazing down at the floor before he flinched at the feeling of your hand entwining with his sleeve, preventing him from leaving.

"Wait," You raised an eyebrow as he sighed, "Where are we going?"

His eyebrow raised, mocking yours with an arrogant scoff, "Am I not allowed to surprise you?"

Your lips curled into a pout, "C'mon.. I need to know what I should wear."

"Hm.. I suppose you make a good point." Levi looked back to the wooden ground of the Mess Hall as Hange began to walk closer to you both, "Well, it's supposed to be cold tonight, so wear something warmer, alright? I don't want to have a repeat of a couple of weeks ago when I had to give you my jacket in minus degrees.. I'm pretty sure I got frostbite, y'know."

You laughed under your breath, awkwardly fidgeting with your fingers, "Heh.. sorry about that. In my defence, you didn't put up much of an argument."

"Well it's not like I could, seeing as you'd taken it upon yourself to wear the worst possible outfit for winter like an idiot, whilst I actually wore multiple layers. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I hadn't given you my jacket when you were wearing that?"

"I couldn't help it.. the outfit was pretty."

Levi smiled shortly, taking a step closer, "You're pretty." He whispered under his breath as you bashfully grinned, trying to shake off the butterflies. He gently held onto your wrist, pulling you closer before pressing a soft kiss against your cheek, causing you to shiver as he smiled against your skin, "I'll see you later, then."

You gave him a thumbs up before he left as Hange entered, the feeling of their warm and welcoming hand on your shoulder as they pulled you to look at them.

"Hey!" They gently smiled to you as you both began walking to their office, "What did he want you for?"

You shrugged, "Nothing that involves you."

They scoffed sarcastically as you gently laughed at their dry humour, "Fine.. no need to be so secretive. But anyway," They held your wrist as they dragged you into the next room, "We have more important things to discuss."

Your eyes enthusiastically widened, a smile urging your teeth as you looked to the door, closing it tightly shut.
"Levi's birthday."

"Exactly." They sat on their desk-table as you sat opposed to them on a chair, kicking one leg over the other, "So, have you managed to find out what he wants? Because he's refused to answer every single time I've asked him. He just says that my company is enough of a present."

'So.. sweet.'

You shrugged your shoulders at their question, "I'm sorry.. I've been asking him too, but he just dismisses me each time. He's the most difficult person I've ever had to buy a present for, and even worse, his birthday in Christmas! We have to get him something for both."

"Exactly!" They raised their voice with frustration at the Captain - a man who had never once asked for anything for Christmas or his birthday; a man who's friends didn't even know when his birthday was until knowing him for five years, "I get him something each year, but I can just tell that he doesn't like it.. my tastes are too different from his."

You clicked your tongue, "He's taking me out tonight, so I'll bug him about it then, alright? It won't take him long to crack and tell us what he actually wants."

Hange scoffed with a lingering smile, "You sound so sadistic, Yaeger.."

"Well.. It's our first Christmas together, I just don't want to disappoint him."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now