'I Hate You'

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Your body collapsed to the ground as Pieck and Jean finally let go off you, not even having realised how much you had been pulling.

You struggled to believe what had just happened..

You'd seen the entire thing..

You could still see it: your brothers body falling apart like dust on the ground - flaking off, piece by piece.

You choked, your eyes feeling hazy and heavy as they forced themselves tightly shut. Your body stayed against the floor, your fingers digging into the dirt as soil stained your nails.

Your forehead pressed roughly against the ground, unable to lean back. You felt your blood rush to your head, feeling as though you were fighting the urge to vomit.

"He's.. gone." You whispered with a shaky tone, your eyes suddenly dryer as they cracked wide open, "Z-.. Zeke is really gone. Please.. no. You can't do this-.. Zeke can't be gone..!"

You realised that you would never see him again.

You realised that you would never hear the sound of his laugh, or gaze at his smile after you'd told him a joke.

You realised that you'd never hear the sound of his voice, or hear as he tried to calm you down like when you were a child.

A loud cry fell from your lips, your head leaning up as Scouts swiftly were ordered to different stations.

Shakes ran up your body, making your tender muscles ache.

You realised you'd never smell the scent of his cologne, or share a last cigarette with him.

All of your inside jokes were gone, never to be understood by anyone again; "Please, Zeke! Please!"

The world around you spun at a rapid pace, blending different colours and patterns and objects together.

Your eyes slowly scanned up, feeling Jean help you up: he was moving his lips, obviously saying something to you, but you couldn't understand a word.

You placed your hand against his chest to push him away from you, your eyebrows weakly furrowing together as he noticed the silver tears that streamed from your eyes.

Jean hand placed against your shoulder, "Y/N, please.. come on, I can help y-"

"I don't need help..!" You snapped with a trembling voice, pushing him away once again as your body stepped forward into the plains.

You struggled back a tear with each step, your figure stumbling forward as Levi reluctantly placed his blades into the casing.

His silver eyes slowly flickered towards you, his eyes widening at the sight of you now stood just ten meters away.

"Y-..N." Your name slowly ran from his lips, guilt filling his every word, "I-.. I'm so sor-"

However, before he managed to finish his sentence, you'd raised your hand, slapping him harshly across the cheek.

His face moved to the side completely, redness instantly swelling over his pale skin as your jaw clenched, more tears falling from your eyes as you suddenly became too overwhelmed to think.

"You-..!" You attempted to think of an insult, but your mind was too overwhelmed to even finish a sentence; flashes of Levi's blade cutting smoothly through Zeke's neck filled your mind, replacing all happy or hopeful thoughts.

The only person there for you during your parents deaths were your brothers.

Tears fell like broken glass down your lips; you roughly pressed your dirt-stained hands to his shoulders, shoving Levi back with nothing but pure resentment in your eyes.

Zeke was the only one who knew how to stop you from crying before you'd met Levi; he was the only one who understood you completely before Pieck.

A muffled choke fell from your lips as you shoved him again Humanities Strongest Soldier fell sharply to the ground, not even attempting to defend himself from you.

Your thighs straddled his hips: "Levi-..!" You yelled his name with a cold voice, throwing your fist towards him but feel him catch your hand at the last second, "I-.."

He didn't fight back against you.

He caught your other hand as Levi's eyes became entranced with the sight of your heavy tears, now covering your cheeks completely, "I-.. I hate you so much!" You cried at him without meaning it.

You tried to free yourself from his grasp but he was too strong. Your eyes slowly drifted downwards, barely able to see him through thick tears: his grey eyes wide with panic, his lips curled tightly down, the bandages beginning to slip from his face..

Your nails dug into his hands, "You-.. You need to pay! I-.. I'll kill you.."

His expression weakened.

He let go of your arms, practically tossing them over his broad shoulders. Your eyes widened as he pressed his face against your chest, his arms wrapping around your waist to force you into a tight hold.

You winced; his eyes were tightly closed as if glued shut.

He held you so tightly that you struggled to breathe.

You punched his back, desperately trying to get away from the man who had just beheaded your brother, but his embrace was so warm..

His soft hair brushed against your neck..

His skin was so soft..

His body brought you instant comfort..

And the smell of his cologne stayed prominent in your nose..

You stopped hitting, feeling your body weaken as Levi only held your figure closer against his. You could feel his heart racing heavily against your body; you struggled in his grasp.

You struggled one last time before feeling his face glance upwards: another tear fell.. your expression weakened at the look in his eyes..

You finally hooked your arms around his body, tightening your hands around him as you pulled him closer than ever.

Your head buried in his shoulder, your tears dampening his shirt as you began to feel more and more light headed by the second, struggling to do as much as think.

His hand cupped the back of your head, forcing you to stay close against him. You could feel him hyperventilating against you, obviously overwhelmed with what had happened: you were almost glad that you weren't alone in the feeling.

You slowly raised you fingertips to his ebony hair, feeling as he sighed with relief as your brushed the ends.

He shook his head, his eyes closing once more: "I'm so sorry.. Y/N." He murmured to you, but you didn't answer.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now