Goodmorning Kisses

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The Next Morning;

Hange woke you up the next day with a knocking on your door, practically dragging you out of bed to go get the first dibs on breakfast, today being a special occasion as it was both of your favourite breakfasts.

You excitedly sat down at your usual table, quickly beginning to eat before any of the tables had even been filled.

The air was warm outside, the sun bright and beaming down onto the table as you and Hange calmly talked together about everything and nothing at the same time.

Levi and yourself stayed together for a little longer after you officially became his girlfriend, before walking to your bedroom, kissing you goodnight on the lips.

You could barely sleep, too overcome with excitement, your body practically shaking from happiness at what had happened.

You didn't fall asleep until the early hours of the morning.

"So, as I was saying-.." Hange carried on speaking as you watched the clouds float above the bright trees outside.

The day was warmer than usual, your new, dark green uniform hugging at your torso and chest before you took of your jacket, placing it by your side before you carried on eating.

Hange's head tilted, "Your uniform looks good on you." They gave you a reassuring smile.

You shrugged awkwardly, "It's nice to be able to match everyone else, I suppose, but to be honest, I doubt I'll wear it very often.."

They smiled warmly at you, "That's fine; most people don't wear their's anyway, just for meetings and such."

You scrunched your nose, watching their eyes drag over your shoulder and towards the main door.

You followed their gaze, your eyes immediately being met with your 'Captain, boyfriend and Comrade' as he calmly entered.
He noticed the two of you staring, raising his hand in acknowledgement before grabbing a bottle of water, making his way towards you both.

He sighed slowly, sitting beside you just like he did most mornings, "'morning." He calmly said, taking a long sip.

"Morning, Captain." You answered, not wanting to seem inconspicuous to Hange.

"Hey, Levi." Hange nodded, "Did you sleep well?"

He scoffed carelessly, "No better than usual. But I filled in most of the paperwork that was overdue and managed to polish the mantel in my office, so I suppose at least I wasn't wasting any time.."

He spoke like nothing had happened - you knew it was for the best that no one knew, but you still couldn't help but feel a little sad that you couldn't be affectionate with him like you wanted to. You'd both agreed to keep it between you both, infact, you were the one to suggest it.

You swallowed, hearing Hange carry a conversation between them self as you glumly looked down at the table with a defeated expression you couldn't help.

You pressed your lips together, being able to feel Levi's eyes shortly glance into your face ever so often to check your expression and reactions, but you gave them both nothing.

"Hey, Hange." You suddenly heard his deep voice begin, his hand raising as his grey eyes widened, "Whats that behind you?" His voice deepened with curiosity.

Hange's head immediately turned in the opposite direction as you felt Levi's hand suddenly slip against your jaw, pulling your face closer to his before his lips quickly pressed against your cheek, kissing you lightly before instantly pulling away as Hange turned back around to you both with a raised eyebrow.

"What was behind me?" They scrunched their nose, confused as to what he was talking about.

Levi shook his head adamantly, "It doesn't matter. It passed in a heartbeat, you already missed it."

Hange frowned innocently, "That's so annoying, can you describe what it was?"

Levi shook his head, brushing his fingers past his ebony hair, "No, you should've looked back quicker."

You smiled weakly, still able to feel the warmth of his lips against your skin - a reminder from him that he was aware that you were there, and that he wasn't trying to ignore you.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now