Unspoken Secrets

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His soft lips pressed against yours roughly, his chest pressed to yours as your legs hooked around his torso.

You kissed him harder, wanting to taste his lips more as you felt his hands grip at the bottom of your shirt, unable to wait any longer to undress you.

You needed him: you hated it, but you needed him.

The only time Levi broke the kiss between you both was too take off your clothes, and then again as you slowly took of his.

Your fingers ran down each sharp muscular on his chest, feeling the natural warmth of his body against your hands as he harshly kissed you more, his teeth lightly biting at your lips.

Your legs were wrapped around his bare torso, your thighs against his hips as you felt him push himself against you more.

He groaned inbetween kisses, his lips soon travelling to the curve of your jaw as you felt your body become weak to him.

"Wait- Levi.." You finally pushed him back, his eyes still closed shut as he breathlessly panted, "What if someone walks in on us?"

He scoffed, pecking your lips, "Hmph: I locked that door as soon as I came here.."

His kissed travelled down to your neck as you giggled mercilessly at the ticklish feeling he was giving you.

"I didn't realise you were so prepared." You whispered with a smirk.

He shrugged, leaning upwards, "I'm always prepared." His grey eyes glared towards the clock, trying to make out what it said, "Mmph. We don't have much time though." He leaned back down, pressing his lips softly against yours as you felt his taste melt in your mouth, "We'll have to make this quick.."

His figure moved downwards, his warm hands against your thighs as you shivered at his touch.
He pulled your underwear down to your ankles before hooking your legs around his shoulders.

He held one of your hands, tracing his delicate fingers on the outside of your pussy with his free hand.
He smirked, satisfied by your shallow breaths, "Huh, you're so wet already, you must've really wanted this.."

"Don't say that.." You felt your lips urge into a frown, "You're embarrassing me."

"I'm glad." You could feel his breaths against your thighs as he spoke: "You look cute when you're embarrassed." He simply said, his greying eyes fluttered shut.

He leaned closer, pressing his lips against your clit as you gasped at his addicting touch; his tongue ran down, his eyes adamantly watching you through his lashes as you felt your body relax.

His tongue ran slowly and gently as you felt your legs tense, slowly moaning at the feeling.

Your fingers entwined with the roots of Levi's raven hair, your thighs unintentionally growing tighter around his face as he scoffed at the sounds of your groans.

"What?" He began, resting his cheek against your thigh with an arrogant smirk, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

You nodded adamantly.

You felt his slender hand trace down yours, fingers holding tightly onto yours as he applied pressure against your clit with the tips of his fingers.

It was only when he began touching you again that you realised how long it had been since you'd last done anything like this.. you couldn't understand how you went without it for so long. He was like a drug to you, in the best way possible.

He lowly hummed, guiding his own fingers around your clit - you could see his erection through his own trousers, yet his sole focus was on you.

"Levi.." You whispered his name as your fingers tightened around his hair, feeling him rub harder against your wet clit as his tongue explored you completely.

You groaned as you felt his fingers slip inside, pumping in and out slowly, his other hand slipping to your shoulder for balance. The edge of his tongue carried on in repeated movements, watching your eyes slowly roll back.

There was a wet spot on his trousers where he pressed himself against you, a visible rise coming through as his fingers began slipping in quicker.

His fingers grew rougher, waves of pleasure consuming you as he continuously hit deeply inside of you. He was hitting the perfect spot, his tongue tracing patterns you as you felt your body begin to tremble.

A smile formed on his lips as he heard you pleasured breaths and pants, "Hah, you enjoying this, princess?"

Your legs were shivering slightly as he added yet another finger, his body grinding against yours with every pump of his fingers.

You arched your back, "Levi.. Faster." You moaned, your hands outstretched as your fingers laced tighter around his soft, ebony hair: wanting to do nothing more than feel him.

"Who do you think you are to order me around?" He harshly whispered, his lips still lingering against your skin: despite his question, he still found himself moving quicker to satisfy you.

His saliva dripped down your thigh, his mind too focussed on pleasing you to care.
Your cheeks had turned a fatigued crimson, your e/c eyes beginning to roll to your eyelashes as he constantly rolled his tongue and moved his fingers in perfect movement.

"L-Levi.." You closed your eyes as he raised his head, beginning to get rougher as you felt a loud moan escape from your lips, "I-..!"

You couldn't even finish your sentence before you felt yourself finish, a sharp gasp escaping from your lips.
You moaned loudly, feeling your knees shake before your thighs pressed together tightly - your hips twitching. Your eyes tightly closed as you felt yourself overheat.

He raised himself up onto his knees, your legs spread out as he looked down at you with a smirk, his fingers still pressed inside as he smirked at each pant that slipped out of your lips.

You'd never done it that fast before.

Even on your own.

You felt genuinely shocked by how fast he'd managed to make you finish.. it was almost embarrassing how much power he had over you.

You couldn't catch your breath, feeling as Levi removed his fingers, a string connected them as his eyes glanced up at you.

He raised his fingers to his lips, his steel coloured eyes watching your breathless pants as you felt your clit still throb from pleasure, "You made such a mess.. You didn't do that to spite me, did you?" He half-joked, frowning to himself as you felt yourself glare at him.

Your eyes slowly closed, barely able to concentrate as your mind become overwhelmed with different emotions.

You lightly kicked him in the knee with your leg, your lips barely murmuring: "I need you, Levi.." As his expression instantly softened.

He slowly smiled, placing his hand against your thigh with his thumb stroking down your skin; your body melted at his touch.

"You did well in training today.." He clicked his tongue with a faint smile, "Keep up the good work, Scout."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now