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Grant: Y/N.

You: Yeah?

Grant: Look.

He points down below your spot atop the gas station.

Grant: Walkers.

You: Should we tell someone?

Grant: No, they can't get up here.

This is a memory, and so you know how it ends. Those were some of the first walkers among the herd. If the dream continues, you'll wake up in the morning, walkers in every direction you look, but far enough away that you're safe. Or, so you think. You don't know of the herds yet. None of you understand that you got lucky. That you were in an area where the walkers split momentarily. You were safe.

When you try to run, you'll find out how many of them there really are. But, unfortunately, at that point, it will be too late.

Someone kicks your foot.

Violet: Get up.

You didn't realize you had fallen asleep.

After your talk with Clementine that morning, you walked around the school, exploring. You'd never been allowed to roam alone prior. There are plenty of ways you could escape. There are so many unused and unwatched places you could sneak out of the back, and they wouldn't even see you.

After a few hours alone, exploring, you made your way back to the courtyard. Everyone outside of the walls had returned with their food, and you met a few of them. Omar is the cook, Ruby fixed your arm, and Willy is odd. You haven't met the others yet.

Someone made food, and as the group sat around a picnic table, you found a nice spot away from them against their wall. It'll be better if you keep to yourself.

And, at some point, you fell asleep.

Violet: You missed the meeting.

You: What meeting? I didn't know about any meeting.

Violet: Clem wanted to let you sleep, so you wouldn't.

She sits down next to you.

Violet: We were just talking about this caravan. They want to kill you, huh?

You: I don't know.

Violet: Clem already told me; you don't have to hide it.

You: Oh, she did?

Violet: You are being too hard on her.

You: I'm being too hard on her? No, I'm responding exactly as I should to her being an asshole.

Violet: You are the problem, Y/N.

You: I didn't do anything wrong.

Violet: She's trying to help you.

You: And just like I told her, I don't need it.

She doesn't say anything else. She's realized she'll get nowhere like this.

Violet: Alright, come on.

She taps you on the leg.

You: Where are we going?

Violet: This table.

You get up and follow her.

The table she led you to has a map of the surrounding area on it.

Violet: They're here.

She points to the map. There's a line marked as the "safe zone," and the caravan is drawn just outside of that.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now