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There are no more pops. As you left the store and ran for the house you left Clementine, no more shots came. A terrifying silence filled the air, shaking you to the core. If anything has happened to her...

You: Clementine?!

You throw the door open as you make it to the house.

You: Clem!

You check the room you left her in. She's gone.

You: Clementine!

You start searching the house, looking for any sign of her.

You: Damnit.

She's gone. The house is empty.

You step outside and look around. There's nothing in sight. No walkers that could have gotten in. Nobody who would have taken her. No tracks to follow. She's just gone.

You sit down in the doorway and watch the street.

You: Where is she?

Unknown: You knew I was here?

You turn to the left and see someone hiding against the side of the house.

You: I just heard you.

Unknown: I'm not here to hurt you.

You: Where is she?

Your hand is resting on your knife.

Unknown: Let me show you.

You: Or you could just tell me.

Unknown: I was told to take you, not tell you.

You: Fuck you.

Unknown: Then you'll never know.

You: I'd figure it out.

Unknown: Just follow me.

You: Why should I trust you?

You don't move as they start heading for the street.

Unknown: John won't kill her unless you show up.

You hoped that John had died along with the rest of the community.

Unknown: Will you follow me now?

You stand up and draw your knife.

You: Try anything-

Unknown: And you'll kill me.

You: Look at you.

You follow them, a few steps behind just in case. You're far enough away that if they tried to come at you, you'd have enough time to counter.

You: Turn your back on your enemies often?

It surprised you how willingly they did. They would have done it even if you hadn't threatened them.

Unknown: I don't have anything to live for anymore. If you want to kill me, go for it.

You have the same mindset... Had the same mindset.

You: Did she get any of you?

Unknown: No. The shots were us so that you would come looking.

You: You didn't hurt her?

Unknown: Fired them in the air.

You: We were finally feeling better after what you did to us. Hurt her again-

Unknown: I wasn't a part of that.

You: You're going along now.

Unknown: You hurt some of my people.

You: Yes, I did. That's what it takes to survive.

Unknown: You're right. But that doesn't stop people from seeking revenge. Vengeance is something you have to survive too.

You look to your right, see Set coming your way. The stranger hasn't noticed him yet.

You: I'm going to give you a chance.

Unknown: You're going to kill me.

You: Get out of here, and I'll let you live.

Unknown: I can't.

You: Then I'm sorry.

You grab their shirt collar, pull them back, and slit their throat.

Set: Damn. Didn't have to be so mean.

You: I gave them a chance to leave.

You watch them dying on the street in front of you.

Set: Don't go trying to explain it to me. I get it. They'd have tried to take us out sooner or later.

You: What'd you find?

Set: There's a group close to the store, moving away from us. You probably just missed them. They have Clementine.

You: This one was leading me to Clementine in the opposite direction. Must be a trap.

Set: Probably. I'd say keep going. Fall for their trap.

You: Can you save her?

Set: Course I can. They don't have that many people with her. I could finish it before they even knew what hit em.

He puts a hand on your shoulder.

Set: Don't worry about her. Pretend like you don't know where she is and meet this second group. Stall for a few minutes, and I'll be there, Clementine in tow. Just make a lot of noise... I promised I'd get you to Richmond, and that's exactly what I plan to do.

You: Get us out of this, and you'll have my trust.

Set: Finally. Just wish you hadn't waited until we were so close to Richmond.

He taps your shoulder and hurries off.

Set: Don't die on me, Y/N.

A hand grabs your ankle as Set leaves. You look down to see the messenger already turned. You shake free of the walker's grip and leave them to roam for the rest of their days.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now