Gods-Sun Wukong

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Athena is an aggressive fighter. She never gives her opponent time to think, let alone fight back. And when they do, she uses it to her advantage, and it backfires on the attacker. You've not found her weakness yet, and you only ever win when you're lucky. You're not even sure you'd win if you knew how.

Athena swings for your head with a right hook, an obvious feint to draw your attention. But you have to block it, or else she'll hit you with it instead of whatever she's trying to distract you from. You stop her punch and grab her wrist, but she's already sweeping your legs out from under you. She slips out of your grasp and turns away before you even hit the ground.

You lie there, staring at the ceiling. She's upset with you. Usually, she's critiquing your every move and poking fun at you, but today she's silent. She's only kicking your ass.

You: What?

Athena: Nothing.

You look over at her as she picks up a bottle from the table.

You: You're upset.

Athena: Nope.

You: It feels like you are.

You sit up and rub your side. She got in a nasty kick earlier.

Athena: Ok. I'm pissed at you.

You: Why?

You wait for her reply while she takes a few drinks.

Athena: Because you've forced me into a corner. I don't like that.

You: It's for your own good.

She throws the bottle to you.

Athena: Funny. I wasn't aware you made those decisions for me.

You: You'll see that this is the best option.

Athena: Mmm...

You: You don't have to go along with it.

Athena: Until Oni runs his mouth.

You: I don't think he will.

Athena: You don't know him.

She sighs and starts walking.

Athena: I trust you, Ares.

She crouches down next to you.

Athena: But not him.

You: I don't either. We don't have to, but we can use him.

Athena: And if he turns out to be screwing us?

You: Then he screws us, and we get out of it.

Athena: If we can.

You: We can.

She takes the bottle from you.

Athena: I'm not done thinking about it.

You: That's fine, but you don't have forever.

She extends her hand to you and helps you stand up.

Athena: Maybe we can go see Set and Nep. They'd be back by now.

You: We shouldn't.

Athena: Why not?

You: They don't want us telling them about anything.

Tyr: I'd love it if you did! It'd be great to watch you hang with em.

You turn to the doorway. Tyr and Hachiman have entered the room now, ruining the privacy of the training floor. Usually, you and Athena can do what you want and leave without anyone bothering you. Unfortunately, today isn't one of those days.

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